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词汇 Lyndon
释义 Lyndon ˈlɪndən 高Economist¹¹⁰²⁸
A clever choice of VP can put a candidate over the top most famously with JFK and Lyndon Johnson in1960.
副总统人选得当,能使总统竞选如虎添翼最有名的要属1960年的约翰•肯尼迪和林登•约翰逊这对搭档了。 ecocn

At the same time, Lyndon B. Johnson was ratcheting up the Vietnam War, so the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in1964, which authorized bombing raids on Cambodia.

During the Vietnam War, U. S. President Lyndon Johnson suggested North and South Vietnam should set aside their differences and collaborate to bring hydropower to the Mekong River delta.
越南战争期间,美国总统约翰逊曾建议南北越双方搁置争议,合作开发湄公河三角洲的水电资源,但越南人对此充耳不闻。 yeeyan

IT WAS in a short but scrupulously polite letter to Lyndon Johnson43 years ago that Charles de Gaulle announced his decision to pull France out of NATO’s integrated military command.
43年前, 夏尔•戴高乐发出了一封彬彬有礼的短信,通知时任美国总统林登•约翰逊,宣布法国退出北约军事一体化机构。 ecocn

They were ready to move on to Mrs. Chester Loney of Rough and Ready, Calif., whose secret was that she'd been President Lyndon Johnson's first- grade teacher.
解谜小组的注意力很快又转移到来自加州的切斯特·洛妮太太身上,她所拥有的秘密是:她曾是总统林登·约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson小学一年级的老师。 yeeyan

As president, Lyndon Johnson is said to have asked aides and important visitors to follow him into the bathroom to continue their conversations.
作为总体,林登·约翰逊说,问问助手和一些重要的人,然后跟着他们走进浴室,继续他们的谈话。 yeeyan

Democratic memories are haunted by Lyndon Johnson, whose ambition to build a Great Society was thwarted by escalation in Vietnam.
民主党一直被 Lyndon Johnson留下的记忆困扰着,他构建伟大社会的雄心壮志受阻于越南战争的升级。 ecocn

For months at a time, when Lyndon was on navy service or felled in 1955 with a heart attack, she ran his office.
有时一连几个月,在林登参加海军服役或1955年心脏病发期间,她替丈夫处理政务。 ecocn

I grew up in the era of the space race and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, when science, the arts, and education generally were respected.
我是在林登·约翰逊执政的太空竞赛时代长大的,在那个“伟大社会”中,人们对科学、艺术和教育都怀着敬重之情。 yeeyan

In1965 President Lyndon Johnsonwarned Congress of the risk.
在1965年总统林登在国会讨论了这一危险。 yeeyan

It originated in the “ guns and butter” spending of President Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s, and similar spending of today’s President George W. Bush.
它起源于20世纪60年代林登贝恩斯约翰逊“枪炮和黄油”的支出计划,和今天的乔治. W.布什的财政支出很相似. yeeyan

Mister Loomis believed VOA should report about the war honestly, without censorship from the Administration of President Lyndon Johnson.
鲁姆斯先生认为美国之音应该不受总统林德.约翰逊政府的审查而公正地报道越南战争。 yeeyan

President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Voting Rights Act was up for consideration, and Mr. Kennedy tried to strengthen it with an amendment that would have outlawed poll taxes.
总统林顿•约翰逊 Lyndon B. Johnson的投票权法案即将提交审议,肯尼迪试图在此基础上增加一条修正案,规定征收投票税为非法。 ecocn

Taken together, these are the biggest changes since the student-loan system was created, in 1965, as part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programmes.
综合起来,提案条款作了学生贷款计划自1965年出炉以来最大的变动。 该计划是当时总统林登•约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson“伟大社会”施政纲领的一个组成部分。 ecocn

The meeting made Obama the first US president to be present in the same room as a Burmese leader since Lyndon Johnson met Prime Minister Ne Win in1966.
本次会议使奥巴马成为继林登·约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson总统与缅甸总理奈温 Ne Win在1966年会面后首位与缅甸领导人同处一室的美国总统。 yeeyan

This was perhaps not so surprising for a man Lyndon Johnson once said had “ played too much football with his helmet off”.
或许这还不算离谱,前总统 Lyndon Johnson约翰逊甚至曾说「他曾经不戴头盔踢过很多场美式足球比赛」。 ecocn

WHEN Jacques Chirac was first elected to parliament, Lyndon Johnson was in the White House, George Bush was at Yale, and Tony Blair was13 years old.
雅克·希拉克 Jacques Chirac第一次当选国会议员时,林登·约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson正执掌白宫,而乔治·布什 George Bush还在耶鲁读书,托尼·布莱尔 Tony Blair则不过才13岁。 ecocn

Lyndon Johnson said that he knew he was killing his hopes of creating a Great Society by choosing to get involved in“ that bitch of a war on the other side of the world”.
林顿•约翰逊说,奥巴马明白,他选择了卷入“那场发生在世界的另一边的该死的战争”之中,却由此正在一步步扼杀自己那想要创造一个伟大的社会的希望。 ecocn

Lyndon Perriman, a ranger with New Zealand's Department of Conservation, said that the royal albatross females would raise their chick exactly the same as any male- female pair would.
新西兰自然资源保护部看护员林登佩里曼说,尽管是两只雌鸟共同哺育后代,其哺育的过程和方式与雌雄搭配的模式并无二般。 yeeyan

Lyndon Johnson tried to build a“great society”, but America is better at aeronautical engineering than social engineering.
莱顿.约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson致力于建立一个“更好的社会”,但是美国在航天工程上做的比社会工程更好。 ecocn

Lyndon Johnson was the only exception.
只有林肯·约翰逊 Lyndon Johnson是唯一的例外。 ecocn

Lyndon was exonerated from the accusation of cheating.




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