

单词 lymphadenopathy
释义 lym·phad·e·nop·a·thy 英lɪmˌfædnˈɒpəθiː, ˌlɪmfədn-美lɪmˌfædņˈɑpəθi, ˌlɪmfədn-AHDlĭm-făd'n-ŏpʹə-thē, lĭm'fə-dn- 高COCA⁵⁶⁸¹³BNC⁶⁷⁴⁷⁰iWeb³⁹⁸⁷³
chronic abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes usually associated with diseaseangio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy血管免疫母细胞淋巴结…angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy血管免疫母细胞性淋巴…
用作名词Information must also be obtained about thelymphadenopathyitself.关于淋巴结病本身的信息也应采集。
Lymphadenopathy as an adverse response to drugs and allergies is well recognized.药物不良反应或过敏而致的淋巴结病很好辨别。 The appearance of lymphadenopathy is often the first indication to a person that he has been infected with HIV.
全身性淋巴结肿大的出现,常常是告诉一个人他已受到HIV感染的第一个信号。 iciba

The inguinal region should be carefully rated for significant lymphadenopathy.

The main symptoms of serum sickness were local and systemic urticaria, superficial lymphadenopathy, nausea, anorexigenic, and so on.
血清病的主要症状为局部及周身荨麻疹、表浅淋巴结肿大、恶心、食欲不振等。 cnki

The presence of lymphadenopathy can help identify the disease as monkeypox since it is not characteristic of either smallpox or chickenpox.
淋巴结病的出现可能有助于识别猴痘,因为天花或者水痘都不具备这一特征。 who

All were suffering a condition called lymphadenopathy.
他们都患一种叫做淋巴结核的疾病。 kuenglish

Conclusion The osteolytic lesion and a large soft tissue mass are common radiological appearances of bone PNETs and calcification and regional lymphadenopathy are rarely seen.
结论溶骨性骨破坏和巨大软组织肿块是骨原始神经外胚叶肿瘤的常见影像学表现,病灶内钙化和局部淋巴结肿大少见。 cnki

Conclusion: CT scan could delineate the anatomic and pathologic changes of tuberculous lymphadenopathy and peritonitis.
结论: CT扫描可反映淋巴结结核及结核性腹膜炎的解剖病理改变特征。 cnki

Exposure to cats may raise a question of cat- scratch fever in a patient who presents with unilateral lymphadenopathy of an extremity.
和猫有过接触肢体单侧淋巴结病的病人可能和猫爪热有关。 blog.sina.com.cn

Invasion by malignant cells can cause either regional lymphadenopathy, as in patients with head and neck tumors, or generalized lymphadenopathy, as in patients with disseminated carcinomatosis.
恶性细胞侵犯可导致局部淋巴结病如在头颈部肿瘤的病人中,也可是全身性淋巴结病如在播散性癌转移的病人中。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lymphoma can also result in either regional or generalized lymphadenopathy.
淋巴瘤可导致局部或全身淋巴结病。 blog.sina.com.cn

Occasionally a patient with tender, rapidly enlarging lymphadenopathy will have lymphoma or leukemia.
偶尔病人柔软、快速增大的淋巴结提示淋巴瘤或白血病。 blog.sina.com.cn

Occasionally lymphadenopathy can be found in the popliteal fossa.

Results: Clinically, it was characterized by solitary or multiple, red to brown cutaneous papules or nodules with no lymphadenopathy, usually located on the head and neck.
结果:本病临床上表现为单发或多发红色至褐色的丘疹或结节,无淋巴结受累,通常局限在头面部和颈部。 iciba

Sarcoidosis is another example of an immunologic process that causes widespread lymphadenopathy, although the causative antigen has not yet been identified.
结节病是免疫病导致广泛淋巴结病的另一个例子,尽管致病抗原还不明确。 blog.sina.com.cn

Scrofula produces lymph nodes that are discrete, firm, and typically non tender, in contrast with the lymphadenopathy associated with acute infection that is often tender.
瘰疬所导致的淋巴结是分散的、坚硬的,通常是无触痛的,而相对应的,由急性炎症所致的淋巴结肿大经常是有触痛。 xctmr

Some patients develop severe lymphadenopathyswollen lymph nodes before the appearance of the rash.
有的病人在出现皮疹前,会发生严重的淋巴结病淋巴结肿大。 who

Unilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy is usually a response to infection of an ipsilateral lower extremity.
单侧腹股沟区淋巴结肿大常是单侧下肢感染的反应。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the infection is systemic in nature, the lymphadenopathy is also usually generalized, as in tuberculosis, brucellosis, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, fungal infections, and toxoplasmosis.
当感染的性质是全市性的,淋巴结病常也是全身的,如在结核病、布鲁菌病、传染性单核细胞增多症、肝炎、霉菌感染和弓形虫病。 blog.sina.com.cn

When it is not part of generalized lymphadenopathy, it is suggestive of a primary malignancy in either the abdomen or the chest.
若它不是广义的淋巴腺病的一部分,它提示原发恶性病变在腹腔或胸部。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lymphadenopathy can occur secondary to unknown stimuli that cause normal cells to become transformed to lymphoma cells and to proliferate autonomously.

Lymphadenopathy may represent an increase in the number and size of lymphoid follicles with proliferation of lymphocytes as a response to a new antigen.
淋巴结病可呈现为淋巴细胞对新抗原的反应性增生而致淋巴滤泡数量的增多和大小的增大。 blog.sina.com.cn




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