

单词 lycées
释义 lycéesBNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
Despite the huge British military presence in pre-1950 Egypt, French lycées were the place where ambitious Egyptians went to acquire some worldly polish.
尽管20世纪50年代之前的埃及有大量的英国军队,但是法国学校确实雄心勃勃的埃及人学习一些社交礼仪的去处。 ecocn

The students in branded American clothing who took to the streets and blockaded their lycées, with bliss on their faces and banners in their hands, were going through a rite of passage.
学生们围堵自己的学校,进行抗议,他们身穿美国牌子的衣服,手里挥舞着小旗子,脸上喜气洋洋,仿佛在经历人生中的某此重大时刻。 ecocn

Last year, Mr Descoings visited80 schools and met7, 000 pupils as part of a government review of lycées.
去年,德冠先生访问了80所学校,会见了7000名中学生,像一次对中学政府审查的一部分一样。 ecocn




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