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释义 LVMH高Economist¹⁶⁵¹⁰
abbr.路易威登法国知名奢侈品集团,Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy
The trouble is that Bernard Arnault, the boss of LVMH, says he does not intend to sell his drinks business.
问题在于, LVMH的老板伯纳德•阿诺说,他不打算出售自己的酒品业务。 ecocn

According to LVMH, in the first half of2009 sales to Chinese people at home and travelling made up 18% of Vuitton’s revenue.
LVMH表示,2009年上半年,卖给中国人的产品本国内和旅游时购买占威登总收入的18%。 ecocn

As reliable and sturdy as one of its own handbags, therefore, Vuitton is carrying LVMH fairly comfortably through the recession.
因此,正如其手提袋一样值得信赖并强健一样,威登带领着 LVMH相当顺利的度过了这场危机。 ecocn

Bernard Arnault, LVMH’s chairman, is known for his penchant for acquiring family-owned firms.
而众所周知的是,路易威登的董事长伯纳德.阿诺德一直以收购家族产业为好。 ecocn

But cynics doubt that this owed much to the commissioner's powers of persuasion. LVMH was only pledging to do what the new French law already obliges it to.
但是有人怀疑过于把归功劳归于雷丁的说服力,因为路易威登只不过保证了一件法国新法案已经要求它做的事。 ecocn

If PPR were to challenge LVMH more directly, the result would be further tussles over the few remaining independent luxury-goods firms.
要是 PPR对 LVMH进行直接挑战的话,硕果仅存的几家奢侈品公司之间的竞争本该更为激烈。 ecocn

It started off small in 1925 but has gained world-wide recognition as it is owned by LVMH.
1925年它从一个小公司做起直到获得全球认可并被酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团收购。 yeeyan

LVMH was only pledging to do what the new French law already obliges it to.
路易威登仅仅承诺它将按照法国新法案的规定来做。 ecocn

LVMH, by contrast, has never taken such an approach, he says, instead emphasising quality, innovation and creativity.
相反, LVMH从不采用此策略,而着眼于品质,创新以及有创造力。 ecocn

LVMH’s plan was to create a fashion house which would sell products from haute couture to handbags and perfume.
LVMH的原本计划是成立一个时尚商店,销售从高级成衣,到各类包包和香水。 ecocn

LVMH also holds derivative instruments over some Hermes shares and intends to request their conversion. Once that process is complete, LVMH will hold17.1% of Hermes’ capital.
路易威登集团还持有爱马仕股份的金融衍生工具,打算把这部分资产转为股权,如果完成转换过程,路易威登将持有爱马仕集团17.1%的股份。 yeeyan

LVMH is not the only high-end conglomerate to face these issues but it is the most litigious in its approach, making it the de facto public face of the conflict.




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