

单词 apportionment
释义 ap·por·tion·ment 英əˈpɔːʃənmənt, əˈpəʊr-美əˈpɔrʃənmənt, əˈpor-AHDə-pôrʹshən-mənt, ə-pōrʹ- 高STCOCA⁵³⁸⁵³BNC³³¹²³iWeb²⁶³⁰⁵

the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan;

the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state

apportion分配apportionment exercise分派法burden apportionment负荷分配,负荷的分配…reliability apportionment可靠性分配tax apportionment税收分配general average apportionment共同海损分配…dual apportionment双重分配reciprocal apportionment相互分摊额loss apportionment损失分摊formula apportionment按一定的公式分派费用…apportionment of valuation价值的分割schedule of apportionment分配明细表direct apportionment直接分配income apportionment收益分配
apportion-ment行为|结果⇒n.分配⁵²;分摊³⁷;分派¹¹近义词 delivery传递allotment分配allocation分配assignation约会parceling动词parcel的现在进…apportioning动词apportion的…parcelling动词parcel的现在进…

用作名词Theapportionmentof seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative populaton of each state.众议院的座位分配是以每个州的相对人数为基础。
The method ofapportionmentused will depend upon the documentation provided by the importer.所使用的分摊方法将取决于进口商所提供的单证。noun.allotment
同义词 allocation,appropriation,division,partition,portion
反义词 juncture,unity,whole
adjustmentnoun financial retribution, payment of claim
adjustmentsnoun financial retribution, payment of claim
admeasurementnoun distribution
allocationnoun distribution
allotmentnoun portion assigned or given
allocation,allowance,apportionment,appropriation,bite,chunk,cut,cut of pie,end,grant,lot,measure,part,piece,piece of the action,quota,rake-off,ration,share,slice,split,stint
allowancenoun amount of money or other supply
aid,alimony,allocation,allotment,annuity,apportionment,bequest,bite,bounty,commission,contribution,cut,endowment,fee,fellowship,gift,grant,honorarium,inheritance,interest,legacy,lot,measure,part,pay,pension,piece,portion,prize,quantity,quota,ration,recompense,remittance,salary,scholarship,share,slice,stint,stipend,subsidy,taste,wage A mathematical programming model for arms optimal apportionment is established according to the detailed analysis of the ground air defense disposition on the campaign direction.
对战役方向地面防空战斗部署进行了详细分析,建立了兵力优化分配的数学规划模型。 dictall

A mathematical programming model for arms optimal apportionment is established according to the detailed analysis of regional air defense disposition.
对区域防空战斗部署进行了详细分析,建立了兵力优化分配的数学规划模型。 cnki

An optimal apportionment of reliability problem of complex system is a nonlinear optimization problem with a large number of local extreme values.
复杂系统可靠度最优分配问题是一个具有多局部极值的非线性的优化问题。 cnki

In the end Congress was not able to agree on any new plan, and the1910 census continued to be used for apportionment until the election of1932.
最后国会未能通过任何新方案,1910年的普查结果继续被作为分配国会席位的依据,直到1932年选举。 yeeyan

Next, Effect Variance Analysis and Ridge Regression of Chemical Mass Balance were used to calculate the source apportionment.
最后用化学质量平衡法的有效方差分析,脊岭回归分析计算源的分配。 cnki

No apportionment shall be made by any State organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form.
任何机关或者单位不得以任何方式向农民或者农业生产经营组织进行摊派。 scientrans

One is strengthening the apportionment of costs.
强化成本分摊,寻求各项费用的合理支出; cnki

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever sources derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
国会有权对任何来源的收入规定和征收所得税,无须在各州按比例进行分配,也无须考虑任何人口普查或人口统计。 blog.sina.com.cn

The cost of self- breeding livestock raised exclusively for meat production consists of the necessary expenses for feed, labor, indirect apportionment, etc. prior to the sale; and.
自行繁殖的育肥畜的成本,包括出售前发生的饲料费、人工费和应分摊的间接费用等必要支出。 esnai

The reliability apportionment of marine power plant system is important content in the design of marine power. It often consists of nonlinear optimization problem.
船舶主动力装置系统可靠性分配是船舶动力可靠性工程设计中的重要内容,它常常构成有约束条件的非线性优化问题。 cnki

The apportionment of sea- salvage remuneration is a pivotal aspect in maritime salvage system.
救助报酬的分配是海难救助制度中一个至关重要的方面。 cnki

The apportionment of global human resources is ultimately a force for competitive advantage.
全球人力资源的分配最终是一个竞争优势的推动力。 ibm

With the combination of AHP, fuzzy evaluation and dynamic weighted apportionment method, We evaluate this project of industrial enterprise. The result is compatible with the reality.
本文采用 AHP法、模糊综合评判和动态权数分配相结合的方法,对工业企业技术改造项目进行后评价,其结果与实际情况基本相符。 cnki

A frugal apportionment of just two buttons frames the sides of the phone: a volume toggle mounted on the left and a power button at the familiar top right location.
极简的设计还包含了实体按钮:只有左侧一体成形的音量大小,以及机身右上方的电源按钮。 engadget

A fuzzy reliability apportionment method for series systems is presented in the paper based on the analytic hierarchy process.
文中提出了一种基于层次分析的串联系统可靠性模糊分配方法。 cnki

A general approach to fuzzy apportionment of mechanical system reliability during conceptual design, which is suitable for a series-parallel system, is developed in terms of the improved model.
利用该评判模型,给出了一种适用于混联机械系统设计初期可靠度模糊分配的一般性方法。 cnki

An apportionment of the premiums is necessary.
因此须对保费作出分摊。 kuenglish

Before rendering the award, the arbitral tribunal shall submit its draft award to the Chambers for consultation on the decision as to the assessment and apportionment of the costs.
在做出裁决书之前,仲裁庭应将裁决书草稿提交商会以征询商会对费用估算和分配的决定之意见。 sjzyitong

By employing the theory of cooperative games, a mathematical model is proposed for rational apportionment of returns among railway transportation enterprises.
利用多人合作对策模型解决铁路运输企业间收益利润的合理分配。 cnki

By analysing the characteristics of the autopilot, this paper presents a method for reliability apportionment of autopilot, and gives out an application example.
本文在分析改进型自动驾驶仪特点的基础上,提出了这类自动驾驶仪可靠性指标的分配方法,给出了应用举例。 cnki

Dividends are payments by the corporation to equity shareholders based on an apportionment of earnings.
股利是公司基于利润的分配而支付给资产股东的价款。 kuenglish

Given the failure rates for given subsystems, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use reliability apportionment to set mtbf goals.
给出给定子系统的故障率,六西格玛黑带应能利用可靠性分配原则设定平均无故障时间目标。 newsjc

If the harm is divisible and there is a reasonable basis for apportionment of damages, each defendant is liable only for the portion of the harm he himself caused.
如果损害可以明确划分,并且有一个按比例分配伤害的合理基础,每个被告仅为他所引起的损害负责。 jukuu

Income apportionment for technological factors should not take one single form, but rather use different combinations of multiple apportionments.
企业实施技术要素参与收益分配的方式不应该是单一的,而应该是多种分配方式的不同组合。 cnki

Reliability apportionment, in nature, is a problem of engineering decision-making and involves many factors.
可靠性分配本质上是一个工程决策问题,需要考虑的因素很多。 cnki

The developed system can automatically compute house architectural area and apportionment of area for each floor of each building and can print the related data report and drawing.
该系统可自动计算各楼层套内建筑面积和分摊面积,打印相关数据和图形,自动生成规范化了的房测计算报告书。 cnki

This paper firstly discusses those four affreightment businesses' concepts and characteristics, and emphasizes the question of apportionment of expenses so as to convenience the research later.
文章首先对这四种租船方式的概念、特征做了分析,并着重论述各项费用的分摊问题,以便为下面的研究打下基础。 cnki




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