

单词 apportioned
释义 ap·por·tion·ed 英ə'pɔːʃn美ə'pɔːrʃn COCA⁶¹¹¹⁸BNC³⁵⁹⁵⁵
distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose;

I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis

I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip

give out as one's portion or shareapportion design分配法,分配设计…apportion model分配模型apportion one's time妥善地支配时间…
近义词 deal协定allot分配assign分配allocate分派dish out给予dispense分发divide up瓜分distribute分配share分享,共享portion out分配appropriate适当的dole out少量地发放divvy up分掉, 分摊

用作动词Cost isapportionedaccording to plan revenue.根据计划好的收入分配费用。
Apportion time among various employments.为许多工作分配时间。
Cost isapportionaccording to project revenue.按预计收益分摊费用。
He said all that remained was toapportionthe reductions.他说,剩下要做的就是按比例将减产量分摊给各成员国。 In proportional reinsurance, the premium and loss payment are apportioned as the “share”.
比例再保险是按照比例分摊保费与损失。 dictall

The informed agency shall notify the informants or clue providers for rewarding after the reward has been apportioned by the Ministry of National Defense.
受理机关于国防部拨付检举奖金后,应即通知检举人或提供线索人具领。 cntranslators

The father's property was apportioned among his children after his death.
父亲死后财产为其子女所分。 www.1stenglish.com

The funds were apportioned among the various departments.

The group leader apportioned them the duties for the week.

The property was to be apportioned among the three heirs.
财产将为三个继承人所分。 hotdic

To be fair, only so much of the blame can be apportioned to the West Bengal government.
公平的说,事情不能只怪西孟加拉邦政府。 ecocn

All around farms were apportioned and allotted in proportion to the standing of each individual.
城市周围的全部土地,都根据每个教徒的身分高低,按比例加以分配。 tingroom

As you look at the ROI for a project, product, or team, keep in mind that the costs should be apportioned fairly.
当您为一个项目、产品或者团队查看 ROI的时候,请始终提醒自己各部分的成本应当是适度的。 ibm

But Ossis and Wessis still have different perceptions of history and politics and of the way the burdens of unification were apportioned.
然而,东德和西德仍然在历史、政治以及统一的成本负担的分配方式上持有不同观点。 ecocn

By default, a grid—that is, a yui-g—is apportioned equally between two units.
默认情况下,网格—— 也就是 yui-g —— 在两个单元之间是平均分配的。 ibm

First of all , business overhead expenditure needs to be budgeted and apportioned as fairly as possible to different departments of the business.
首先,公司经费需要被预算以及尽可能公平的分配给公司不同的部门。 topsage

Mr Mugabe apportioned blame to others.
穆加贝开始责难别人。 ecocn

Needed work must be best apportioned among roles.
必须在角色间最佳地分配所需的工作。 ibm

Second, culpability in the credit crunch of2008 was broadly apportioned among indulgent lenders, lax regulators, greedy borrowers and supine politicians.
第二,2008年的信贷困难的责任被广泛地分摊于放纵的借贷者、马虎的管理者、贪婪的借贷者和懒散的政治家的头上。 ecocn

So a mother and father are each apportioned half of their child's emissions, a quarter of each grandchild's emissions and so on.
因此,父母每人都分摊他们小孩的一半排放量,祖父母或外祖父母分摊每个孙辈的四分之一排放量。 yeeyan

The money was apportioned equally between two claimants.

The money was apportioned between the tennis club and the cricket club.
这笔钱在网球俱乐部和老板球俱乐部之间平分了。 dictall

The company apportioned shares to excellent workers.
优秀劳动者派发了干股。 nciku

The hypothesis holds that current income is apportioned to consumption over a lifetime.
这个假设认为,人们把现在的收入分配到一生各个阶段来消费。 blog.sina.com.cn

They shall be apportioned for foxes.
他们将被狐狸分食。 engxue

To him Abraham apportioned one- tenth of everything.
亚伯拉罕将自己所得来的取十分之一给他。 open.163.com

Apportioned Share of Common Area is Gross Floor Area minus Saleable Area.
单位之分摊公共面积等于建筑面积减去实用面积。 hanglung




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