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词汇 lurk
释义 lurk 英lɜːk美lɝkAHDlûrk ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁰²⁸⁵BNC³³⁷⁵⁷iWeb⁹⁸⁰⁹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive mannerbe about;

The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square

Who is this man that is hanging around the department?

wait in hiding to attack来自中古英语luren,等待,潜藏,埋伏,词源同lour,lower天空变暗,变阴沉,lurch.lurk潜藏lurk aroundlurk aboutlurk about偷偷摸摸地行动…on the lurk潜伏侦察
GRE红宝书读: 乐渴-特别有乐趣, 还特别渴的事情就是潜伏!
音:猎客,打猎的人,总是埋伏着不动以射杀猎物;lure引诱 + 音:客,客人住饭店时被引诱实际上有埋伏,要不有个针孔像机,要不就假扮警察勒索
GRE难词记忆lurk→curl v.卷曲→卷曲着身子潜伏在洞里形近词larkn.云雀;v.嬉戏;luckn.运气形近词:larkn.云雀;v.嬉戏;luckn.运气近义词 wait等hide藏couch长椅tarry耽搁loiter闲荡ambush埋伏footle胡闹waylay伏击linger徘徊lallygag闲逛lounge休息室skulk躲躲闪闪slink偷偷溜走ambuscade埋伏bushwhack埋伏scupper排水口hang about闲荡mess about闲逛prowl潜行以觅食sneak偷偷摸摸做hang around闲荡lie in wait伏击loaf一条面包…creep蹑手蹑脚地走…lollygag 浪费时间=…mill around成群地无目的乱转…mill about(人群漫无目标地乱转…反义词 appear出现emerge浮现

用作动词Dangerlurkedin the atmosphere.氛围中隐藏着危险。
Dangers seem tolurkbeneath this river.这条河流潜藏许多危险。
The terroristslurkin an apartment in downtown Copenhagen.恐怖分子潜伏哥本哈根闹市区一处公寓。
The thieflurkedin the shadows.小偷埋伏在阴暗处。用作名词The terroristslurkin an apartment in downtown Copenhagen.恐怖分子潜伏哥本哈根闹市区一处公寓。
He believes that lead problems maylurkin other cities, too.他相信自来水含铅的问题,也可能潜伏在其他城市。
Predators sometimeslurkin chat rooms.聊天室有时也隐藏着心怀诡计的人。
We cannot, we will not, succumb to the dark impulses thatlurkin the far regions of the soul everywhere.我们不能也不会屈服于这种隐藏在灵魂深处的黑暗本能。verb.hide;move stealthily
同义词 creep,crouch,prowl,skulkslide,slink,slip,snake,sneak,snoop,steal,waitconceal oneself,go furtively,gumshoe,lie in wait,stay hidden
反义词 come out
ambushverb lie in wait;attack
ambuscade,assail,assault,box in,bushwhack,decoy,dry gulch,ensnare,entrap,hem in,hide,hook,jump,lay for,net,set trap,surprise,surround,trap,wait,waylay
concealverb hide;keep secret
beard,burrow,bury,cache,camouflage,cloak,couch,cover,cover up,disguise,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,harbor,hide,hole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,lurk,mask,masquerade,obscure,plant,put in a hole,put up a smokescreen,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,stash,stay out of sight,stow,tuck away,veil,wrap
concealingverb hide, disguise
bearding,burrowing,burying,caching,camouflaging,cloaking,couching,covering,covering up,dissembling,ditching,ducking,ensconcing,enshrouding,harboring,holing up,keeping dark,keeping secret,lurking,lying low,masking,masquerading,obscuring,planting,putting in a hole,screening,secreting,sheltering,skulking,slinking,sneaking,stashing,staying out of sight,stowing,tucking away,veiling,wrapping
concealsverb hide, disguise
beards,buries,burrows,caches,camouflages,cloaks,couches,covers,covers up,dissembles,ditches,ducks,ensconces,enshrouds,harbors,holes up,keeps dark,keeps secret,lies low,lurks,masks,masquerades,obscures,plants,puts in a hole,screens,secretes,shelters,skulks,slinks,sneaks,stashes,stays out of sight,stows,tucks away,veils,wraps
creepverb crawl along, usually on ground
approach unnoticed,crawl on all fours,edge,glide,grovel,gumshoe,inch,insinuate,lurk,pussyfoot,scrabble,scramble,skulk,slink,slither,snake,sneak,squirm,steal,tiptoe,worm,wriggle,writhe
creepedverb crawl along, usually on ground
approach unnoticed,crawl on all fours,edge,glide,grovel,gumshoe,inch,insinuate,lurk,pussyfoot,scrabble,scramble,skulk,slink,slither,snake,sneak,squirm,steal,tiptoe,worm,wriggle,writhe Any trouble that may lurk deep in the sea will remain obscure for some time yet.
潜伏在深海处的问题在一段时间我们还无法预知。 ecocn

It has built a steel fence around the woodland cottage resort at Muskoka that will receive the G8, and deployed special forces on overtime to lurk in the water and surrounding forest.
G8峰会将在马斯科卡的森林度假村举行。在度假村的周边,政府安装了钢墙,并安排特种部队埋伏和水中和周边的森林里。 ecocn

It is hard to prove what feelings lurk in the heart of an outwardly oleaginous MP.
要证明一个看上去深藏不露的内阁官员心中潜藏着什么样的情感是很困难的。 ecocn

What is more, caesium particles tend to lurk in the grass, which means radiation is more of a risk at toddler height than for adults.
更近一步说,铯粒子往往潜伏在草地中,这就说明比起成年人,蹒跚学步的孩子受到辐射影响的风险更大。 ecocn

All of these are software quality issues that can lurk in a program even if its tests all pass.
所有这些都是潜伏于程序中的软件质量问题,即使通过了所有测试。 ibm

Almost all life in the savanna depends on the grass; carnivores lurk in it to stalk the herbivores feeding on the grass.
在热带草原上,几乎所有的生物都依赖于草丛生活,而食肉动物也潜伏于此,准备捕获食草动物。 yeeyan

Bacteria, in contrast, often just lurk in the environment like tetanus, and may thrive on many hostsas does bubonic plague, for example.
细菌却相反,它们潜伏在周围环境中像是破伤风杆菌,并且宿主众多比如说黑死病。 ebigear

I had a chance to chat with her to find out why the future of fashion may lurk in her sugar vat.
我有机会和她聊一下,了解为什么时尚的未来可能就潜伏在她的糖缸里。 yeeyan

In fact, clumps of dust and molecular gas collapsing to form stars may well lurk within the dark nebula, a structure that spans almost40 light-years across this gorgeous telescopic portrait.
实际上,在这片黑暗的星云中很可能潜藏着大量的尘埃和分子气体,它们正在塌落而形成恒星,这一星云在这张华丽的星际肖像中绵延了近40光年的距离。 yeeyan

It had got dusk, and the moon looked over the high wall of the court, causing undefined shadows to lurk in the corners of the numerous projecting portions of the building.
那时已经快黑了,月亮从院子的高墙外照过来,照出一些模糊的阴影,潜藏在这房子的无数突出部分的角落里。 putclub

Listen carefully, and he admits that big risks lurk: a slide into violent extremism, sectarian conflict or entrenched military power.
听仔细了,他也承认潜伏着巨大危机:情况可能会滑向暴力极端主义,宗派斗争或者被根深蒂固的军队控制。 ecocn

New parents try to eliminate potential hazards from their children’s lives, but what if hidden dangers lurk in the use of everyday objects and familiar substances, like plastics or medicines?
年轻的父母千方百计想消除孩子成长过程中的潜在危害,但要是危险潜伏于日用品与常用物质内,比如塑料制品或药品,那该如何? ecocn

Often she continued to lurk, roiling the mud to conceal herself and basking in her own scaled beauty, as carp will.
这时候,她通常会选择继续潜伏;像别的鲤鱼一样,她会卷起一阵泥沙来,然后独自欣赏自己美丽的鳞片。 ecocn

On the fringes of Bury, the Victorian terraces give way to the sort of new estate in which, Bagehot speculated, “ Motorway man” might lurk.
在伯里的边缘地带,维多利亚梯田让位于房地产业。巴杰特曾经推测“高速公路男“可能就潜伏在该地。 ecocn

Other problems may lurk in software that may be important to you.
其他问题可能潜藏在对您很重要的软件中。 ibm

She also starred in television series “ Lurk” in2008.
此外,她还在2008年的《潜伏》中担纲主演。 yeeyan

She organized a group of about150 local businesspeople to lurk around Copley Square and, after a secret signal, in broad daylight to burst into a dance they'd rehearsed.
她组织了约150名当地商户业主,潜伏在柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密的信号,所有人突然蹦出来,在光天化日之下就开始跳起事先排练好的舞蹈。 fortunechina

These enzymes discovered in the 1970s by Dr Smith, in work that won him a Nobel prize would lurk in the DNA- free cadaver and cut up the synthetic genome before it was able to do its stuff.
这些酶在1970年代由史密斯发现,因此赢得了诺贝尔奖可以潜伏在已经没有 DNA的细胞尸体中,在合成基因组起作用前切断它们。 ecocn

They also know that dangers lurk in any attempt to renegotiate that system.
他们也知道任何试图重新商定现行体系时的做法都潜藏危险。 ecocn

They have to lurk.
他们必须暗中埋伏。 yeeyan

They lurk on the kitchen sponge, your computer keyboard and the dirty laundry.
它们潜伏在厨房的洗碗布上、你的电脑键盘和脏衣服上。 iciba

Underneath this interface lurk two vision systems that work in parallel.
在这个接口之下,潜伏着两个视觉系统并行工作。 yeeyan

Voters everywhere will focus mainly on local issues, as they always do, but in the background will lurk broader arguments over the changing attitudes to markets and the role of the state.
各地选民将一如既往地关注本地情况,但是大背景将是潜伏着更广泛的争论:关于对市场与对政府角色的态度的变换。 ecocn

We still dwell in the Valley of the Shadow, lurk in its desolate places, peering from brambles and thickets at its mad, malign inhabitants.
我们依旧在影子的峡谷里生存,埋伏在荒凉的地方,从荆棘和丛林中凝视着,去诽谤那里的居民。 yeeyan

Yet behind all this self- congratulation lurk more sobering considerations.
然而这些自我祝贺的背后也潜伏着更多的清醒的考虑。 ecocn

Yet even this early on, political dangers lurk.
可是即便这样,政治危险仍然潜伏在左右。 ecocn




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