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词汇 lures
释义 lure·s 英lʊəʳ美lʊr COCA²¹⁰²⁰BNC⁵⁵⁷⁷³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

power of attracting


thing that attracts or invites


bait or decoy used to attract wild animals

vt. 吸引,引诱,诱惑

attract; tempt

qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of rewardanything that serves as an enticementsomething used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
provoke someone to do something through often false or exaggerated promises or persuasion;

He lured me into temptation

lure, allure, decoy, entice, inveigle, seduce, tempt



用作名词 n.
动词+~resist the lure抵御诱惑形容词+~sexual lure性诱惑artificial lure人造饵the constant lure不断的诱惑介词+~on〔to〕 the lure上钩,上当~+介词a lure for…的诱饵a lure of…的诱惑a lure to对…的吸引力用作动词 v.~+名词lure fox诱惑狐狸lure owner引诱主人lure students诱惑学生lure teacher引诱老师~+副词lure coyly害羞地诱惑lure lasciviously〔lustfully,obscenely〕淫荡地诱惑lure suavely温和地诱惑lure away引诱…离开~+介词lure into诱惑…做…lure on引诱…lure to引诱…
lure by v.+prep.

在…的引诱下 go on to do sth under the lure of sth

lure sb by sthLured by the lust of gold, the pioneers pushed onward.开拓者在黄金的诱惑下,继续奋力向前。
lure away v.+adv.

劝说…离开,引诱…离开 lure sb or sth to leave away

lure sb/sth awayDon't lure her away from her duty.不要引诱她离开自己的岗位。
Don't let the pleasures of city life lure you away from your studies.不要让城市生活的享乐分散你学习的注意力。
We hope to lure the wolf away from this place.我们希望能把这只狼从这地方引走。
No woman should allow herself to be lured away from her husband.任何妇女都不应该受引诱而离开自己的丈夫。
lure into v.+prep.

诱惑…做… make sb to do sth by lure

lure sb/sth into sth/v-ingWe lured a fox into a trap.我们把一只狐狸诱进了陷阱。
Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap.奶酪是引诱老鼠上钩的极好的东西。
How can you lure the owner into leaving the house unlocked so that we can steal the jewels?你怎么才能骗得主人不锁门,以便我们进去偷珠宝呢?
The travel brochure lured me into taking a Caribbean vacation.这本旅游小册子吸引了我去加勒比海地区度假。
lure on v.+adv.

引诱 lure sb or sth

lure sb/sth ⇔ onShe lured Charley on until he did just what she wanted .她不断引诱查理,直到他听命于她。
Her winning ways were always enough to lure any man on.她那迷人的举止足以使所有的男人神魂颠倒。
The scent lured the hound on.嗅迹引猎犬前进。
lure to v.+prep.

引诱至… make sb or sth to a place or to get sth

lure sb to sthThe hunters lured the bears to certain death.猎人引诱那些熊送死。
She's been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.她被高工资的许诺引诱到中东。
They were lured to destruction.他们被诱惑而走向毁灭。近义词 baittemptationn. attraction
用作名词n.The lure of gold caused them to explore that region.黄金的诱惑使他们去勘探那个地区。
The beaches are a lure for walking, especially in the early evening.海滩吸引人们去散步,特别是在傍晚时分。
He left home because of the lures of life in the city.由于都市生活的诱惑,他离开了家。
Cheese is really a good lure for mice.奶酪是引诱老鼠的好诱饵。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The secretary wants to lure her boss.这个秘书想引诱她的老板。
The price also lures students.这价格也吸引了学生。
Such a beautiful lady will lure all the men in the party.这么一位漂亮的女士会吸引晚会上的每一位男士。
The singer lured many people around him.这位歌星吸引了很多围在他身旁的人。
Beautiful flowers always lure bees.漂亮的花总能吸引蜜蜂。
So many jewels! That every person here was lured.这么多的珠宝!这里的每一个人都被吸引住了。
The workers were lured by false hopes of increased pay.不切实际的种种增加工资的幻想诱惑着工人们。



用作及物动词The travel brochureluredme into taking a Caribbean vacation.这本旅游小册子诱使我去加勒比地区度假。
The enticement of the big citylureher away from her home.大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走。
It's very difficult toluretalent away from Silicon Valley.很难将硅谷的人才吸引走。
Do notlureher away from her duty .不要引诱她离开职守。用作名词He left home because of theluresof the life in the city.由于受到城市生活的诱惑,他离开了家。
He could not resist thelureof money.他不能抵制金钱的诱惑。
Gant succumbed to thelureof new land.甘德也抵抗不住新地方的吸引力。
Life in big cities is alurefor many country boys.大城市的生活吸引着许多乡下小伙子。
Cheese is really a goodlurefor mice.奶酪是很好的引诱老鼠的诱饵。
Then he tied on a small silverlureand practiced casting.他系上鱼饵,练习如何抛线。 The array consists of a list of lures specific to the type requested.
数据包含请求类型特定的鱼饵列表。 ibm

The lures are pieces of foam rubber carved into the shape of peppers a food favoured by a species called the great fruit- eating bat.
诱饵是用泡沫橡胶制作的辣椒一种果食蝙蝠偏喜的食物。 ecocn

The lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of the educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns.
名人文化的诱惑和教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德的关注挤占得几乎没有位置。 yeeyan

A spherical lampshade with holes modeled after the infamous Pitcher plant lures flies in, but they are unable to escape and eventually fall into the bottom of the light, where they become fuel.
这个球状的带孔灯罩仿照臭名昭著的猪笼草,引诱苍蝇飞入,一旦进入就无法逃脱了,最终落入台灯的底部,在那里转变为燃料。 yeeyan

But sometimes pragmatism lures it into backroom deals with big countries, notably France and Germany, undermining both reform in general and hopes of a break-up of national champions.
但有时实用主义会把它指欧委会诱入暗室与大国作交易,特别是法国和德国,既总体上破坏改革,也破坏了结束国家经济保护主义的希望。 ecocn

Expectations of higher rates lures in foreign- exchange traders: a number of Asian currencies reached multi- year highs this week.
对更高利率的预期吸引了外汇交易商:若干亚洲货币本周达到多年来的最高价。 ecocn

For the purposes of this article, you revisit the familiar theme familiar to readers of my articles, anyway of fishing lures.
为了本文目的,我们来回顾一下熟悉的鱼饵主题当然只有读过我的文章的读者熟悉。 ibm

For many young people today, the lures of a celebrity culture and the barrenness of their educational landscape have left little room for broader civic concerns.
对今天的许多年轻人来说,名人文化的诱惑和教育领域的荒芜把原本更广泛的对美德的关注挤占得几乎没有位置。 yeeyan

He lures the victim to increase the number of virtual machines until they reached the maximum capacity of the physical server.
他们诱使受害者增加虚拟机数量,直到达到物理服务器的最大容量。 ibm

If either one of those strings matches the parameter, then the appropriate array of lures is returned.
如果这两个字符串中有任意一个与参数相匹配,那么函数就会返回相应的鱼饵数组。 ibm

It will outlaw flavoured tobacco except for menthol, which some claim lures children, and bar tobacco advertisements from appearing near schools.
这将取缔带有香味的引诱儿童的烟草除薄荷味外和取缔在学校附近出现烟草灯箱广告。 ecocn

It lures advertisers with promises of precision: why pay huge sums to scatter a message among millions of people when you can target the few who seem to be interested in your product?
它用贴切的许诺吸引广告客户:你可以投准那些可能对你产品感兴趣的小部分人,为什么还要花大价钱在数百万人中撒广告呢? ecocn

It's a tragic end to the dream which lures millions of workers to Dongguan each year, where they struggle and study their way towards the promise of a regular income.
对于每年被吸引到东莞的数百万计工人来说,梦想的破灭是悲剧性的,这座城市是他们奋斗和寻求稳定收入的梦想之城。 yeeyan

One of the lures of adventure travel is the opportunity to share it with their daughters or granddaughters.
探险旅行的一个吸引之处就是女性可以将这次旅行和她们的女儿或外孙女们分享。 hjenglish

So, instead of clicking around, the Web application obtains information about lures, reels, rods, and so forth with a simple HTTP invocation.
所以,不用点击链接, Web应用程序可通过简单的 HTTP调用获得关于鱼饵、绕线轮、钓竿等的信息。 ibm

Some believe the exorbitant privilege is really a curse that lures the reserve- currency country into too much borrowing or printing too much money.
一些人相信过分特权其实是引诱储备货币国陷入过量借贷或过量印刷货币的诅咒。 ecocn

The American Dream lures people from all over the world, and it’s because of this possibility: If you come here and work hard, your kids will have a better life than you.
美国梦吸引着世界各地的人,可能是由于这个原因:如果你来到美国,只要努力地工作,你的下一代会过上比你好的生活。 yeeyan

The veiled face of dark doom lures you.
蒙着面纱的神秘的毁灭命运在诱惑你。 putclub

The real problem with sugar is that it lures us in to cookies, cakes, candy bars and doughnuts, which are usually prepared with lots of shortening or butter.
糖的真正问题在于,它引诱我们吃饼干,糕点,糖果和甜甜圈,而这些食品通常都是用酥油或黄油做的。 yeeyan

These lures are surrounded by nets and placed in open fields next to a protected forest in southern Brazil.
这些诱饵的四周张网围布,放置在南巴西的一个受保护森林旁的开阔地上。 ecocn

Users who access the site can see a variety of lures, reels, rods, and so forth.
访问该站点的用户可以看到各种鱼饵、渔线和鱼竿等。 ibm

Villages speckle the slopes of Mount Merapi, where fertile land lures farmers into a volcanic hazard zone.
莫拉皮火山的山坡上散布着村庄,是那里肥沃的土地吸引着农民来到危险的火山区。 yeeyan

We wondered whether a specially trained staff member from the lodge was lurking underwater, hooking them onto our lures.
但是实际上鱼儿争先恐后上钩,我们简直怀疑是否有经过特殊训练的人员藏在水下,把鱼赶过来吃我们的鱼饵。 yeeyan

What ensued was a frank discussion about the lures and perils of drugs, well worth any discomfort.
随后是一个关于诱惑和危险药物的坦诚探讨,没有任何不快。 yeeyan

You also realize that, for now, your company is out of Other type lures.
还该意识到,您的公司已超出 Other类型鱼饵。 ibm




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