

单词 lunges
释义 lunge·s 英lʌndʒ美lʌndʒ COCA²⁶⁵³⁴BNC⁶⁹⁵⁸⁹
the act of moving forward suddenlyfencing an attacking thrust made with one foot forward and the back leg straight and with the sword arm outstretched forward
make a thrusting forward movementlunge to the right向右弓箭步forward lunge向前弓箭步lunge strap保护带lunge block跃起封球rear lunge原地弓步刺lunge stride突然起步backward lunge后撤弓箭步闪躲…lateral lunge侧弓箭步lunge finish冲刺撞线advance lunge向前移步刺lunge at向冲击
近义词 push推stab刺thrust刺grab抓住dive潜水leap跳跃swipe重击swing摇摆attack攻击bounce弹起spring春天charge责任hurtle猛冲offense过错plunge使投入make for走向hurl用力投掷lurch突然倾斜plough用犁耕田straight thrust直刺passado 击剑时的向前…

用作动词Helungedwildly at his opponent.他疯狂地扑向对手。
Shelungedout with a knife.她持刀猛冲过去。 The use of pesticides was considered as the main factor for resurgence, especially sublethal dose of some insecticides stimulates the reproduction of N. lunges.
农药的滥用成为褐飞虱再猖獗的主要原因,尤其是一些农药的亚致死剂量刺激生殖。 fabiao

Also, a climbing move in which the climber lunges or leaps to the next hold.
也指攀登者跃向下一个支点的动作。 nnred

Do some pushups, squats and lunges instead of sitting around all day.
做俯卧撑、下蹲和弓步,而不要整日坐着。 yeeyan

I like to mix it up, but some of my favorites: push- ups, squats, lunges, pull ups, burners, planks, jump squats, and shadow boxing.
我喜欢将这些锻炼进行混合,但是我最喜欢的是,俯卧撑,下蹲,吊挂,引体向上,举重,撑臂,跳远,和拳击练习。 yeeyan

If, at that moment, the swordsman lunges, forcing the lance to the outside, he is safe and the lancer is at his mercy.
如果击剑手此时出剑突刺,同时把长矛封在外侧,击剑手就是安全的,那枪骑兵就任凭他宰割了。 www.knifriend.sh.cn

It perches over a small pool, then lunges with both paws and comes up with a plump three-foot chum salmon.
它在一个小水池边停了一下,然后猛的用两个爪子扎进水里,捕到了一条肥美的足有三英尺长的鲑鱼。 yousoon

Jack gets in the backseat to wait, and Cofell lunges at him with the knife.
杰克坐进车后座准备等候凯文到来,科菲尔用小刀刺向他。 yeeyan

Mary lunges at Carol in fury, swinging her right fist at Carol's breasts.
她暴怒的向凯洛冲去,摆动她的右手打向凯洛的胸部。 xici

To get even more benefit, do lunges both forwards and backwards, then side to side also known as “ step and squats”.
为了得到更好的效果,可以做向前的和向后的弓箭步,也可以做向右和向左的弓箭步也叫‘一步一蹲’。 yeeyan

Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare- chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog.
一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。 xici

When male flies were bred with the female version of the fighting gene, they tended to act like females, favoring head butts and shoves over the more aggressive lunges.
当雄性与具有好战基因的雌性繁殖后,他们往往会像雌性一样使用头顶战术并变得更有战斗性。 dltcedu

You are perfectly OK doing exercises such as squats and lunges without weights.
进行诸如不负重的蹲下跳起的锻炼是极好的。 yeeyan

You can do the latter with a simple routine that alternates between the upper and lower body in a circuit, such as press-ups, squats and lunges.
对于后者你可以遵从一个简单的循环例程:身体上半部分和下半部分交替锻炼,比如说做俯卧撑,蹲下,跳远。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back, A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.
您通过地铁走,我的眼睛烧了一个洞,在你的背部一个在你身后的脚步,他弓步攻击的准备。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Lunges are also an excellent exercise for maintaining quadriceps and hamstring strength.
弓步也是维持股四头肌和腿筋力量的一种好练习。 blog.sina.com.cn




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