

单词 lunchroom
释义 lunch·room 英ˈlʌntʃˌruːm, -ˌrʊm美ˈlʌntʃˌrum, -ˌrʊmAHDlŭnchʹr›m', -r‹m' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴⁰⁷⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb³³²⁷²
a restaurant in a facility where lunch can be purchasedlunch,午餐,room,室。lunch-room⇒n.速简餐厅近义词 lunch午餐restaurant餐馆

Alunchroomor cafeteria, especially one in a film or television studio.内部餐厅速简餐厅或咖啡馆,尤指电影或电视工作室里as in.café
同义词 bistro,burger joint,cafeteria,cake shop,chophouse,coffee bar,coffee shop,diner,eating house,grease joint,greasy spoon,hash house,luncheonette,noshery,pit stop,quick-lunch,snack bar,soup house,tearoomas in.cafe
同义词 bistro,cafeteria,coffee shop,dinerchophouse,tearoomcoffee bar,eating house,hash house,joint,luncheonette,noshery,pit stop,snack bar,soup houseas in.cafeteria
同义词 snack barcommissarycafé,lunch counter,tea roomas in.diner
同义词 bistro,booth,coffee shop,saloonautomat,canteen,concession,dump,eatery,facility,grill,tearoomcafé,chuck wagon,eating house,fast-food outlet,greasy spoon,hash house,ice-cream parlor,lunch counter,lunch wagon,mess hall,quick-lunch,sandwich shop,snack baras in.restaurant
同义词 bar,cafeteria,coffee shop,diner,dining room,inn,outlet,salooncanteen,chophouse,drive-in,eatery,grill,hideaway,joint,pizzeriacafé,dive,doughtnut shop,eating house,eating place,fast-food place,greasy spoon,hamburger stand,hashery,hotdog stand,luncheonette,night club,soda fountain,watering hole
cafenoun restaurant
bistro,cafeteria,chophouse,coffee bar,coffee shop,diner,eating house,hash house,joint,luncheonette,noshery,pit stop,snack bar,soup house,tearoom
cafeterianoun restaurant
café,commissary,lunch counter,lunchroom,snack bar,tea room
cafénoun small, informal restaurant
bistro,burger joint,cafeteria,cake shop,chophouse,coffee bar,coffee shop,diner,eating house,grease joint,greasy spoon,hash house,luncheonette,lunchroom,noshery,pit stop,quick-lunch,snack bar,soup house,tearoom
dinernoun casual restaurant with varied menu
automat,bistro,booth,café,canteen,chuck wagon,coffee shop,concession,dump,eatery,eating house,facility,fast-food outlet,greasy spoon,grill,hash house,ice-cream parlor,lunch counter,lunch wagon,lunchroom,mess hall,quick-lunch,saloon,sandwich shop,snack bar,tearoom
dinersnoun casual restaurant with varied menu
automats,bistros,booths,cafs,canteens,chuck wagons,coffee shops,concessions,dumps,eateries,eating houses,facilities,fast-food outlets,greasy spoons,grills,hash houses,ice-cream parlors,lunch counters,lunch wagons,lunchrooms,mess halls,quick-lunches,saloons,sandwich shops,snack bars,tearooms
restaurantnoun business establishment serving food and drink
bar,cafeteria,café,canteen,chophouse,coffee shop,diner,dining room,dive,doughtnut shop,drive-in,eatery,eating house,eating place,fast-food place,greasy spoon,grill,hamburger stand,hashery,hideaway,hotdog stand,inn,joint,luncheonette,lunchroom,night club,outlet,pizzeria,saloon,soda fountain,watering hole Brian Wansink first became interested in the school lunchroom when he was asked to help a group of New York schools boost fresh fruit consumption among students.
布莱恩·汪幸科最初对学校食堂产生兴趣是因为州政府希望他帮助几个纽约学校在学生中增加新鲜水果的消费。 yeeyan

Eating in the lunchroom with the other kids watching him fumble with his food proved very painful to Roger.
在餐厅吃饭时,让其他小朋友看到他笨拙的吃相使他深感苦恼。 lesun

The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.
亨利那家供应快餐的小饭馆的门一开,就进来了两个人。他们挨着柜台坐下。 unsv

The typical school district lunch budget must be self sustaining, which makes lunchroom managers understandably risk- averse.
典型的校区午餐预算必须是自负盈亏的,这样一来就不难理解为什么餐厅经理不愿冒风险了。 yeeyan

Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative.
询问午餐房间或会议室在哪里是在暗示你缺乏准备和主动性。 hxen

At West Side, vegan food scraps are also teased out of the lunchroom leftovers and find new life as worm compost.
在西边,素食食物残渣也被从食堂的残渣中分出来放进了废料池。 transcn

CAIRO— Sitting with their classmates in the lunchroom but are unable to eat during daylight, the holy fasting month of Ramadan is testing the mettle of US Muslim students.

Don't microwave stinky foods in the shared lunchroom.
不要在公用餐厅里用微波炉加热重口味的食物。 cri

For example: “ I think the spare office should be turned into a lunch room” versus“ I think it should be a lunchroom because the downstairs cafeteria is always too crowded to find a place to sit.”
比如,“我想应该把这间空闲的办公室变成午餐厅”与“我想它应该是一个午餐厅因为楼下的食堂总是很挤找不到座位”。 yeeyan

For Ashley, it was like this: She was sitting with a big group in the school lunchroom when she accidentally knocked her drink onto her lap.
对艾希莉而言,总是这个样子:她正在学校餐厅跟一堆人坐在一起,忽然她把自己座位前的饮料打翻了。 yeeyan

For parents who want their children to grow up relatively unexposed to doubt, Darwin or indecent lunchroom chatter, home- schooling offers hope.
对于有些父母,想让孩子在成长过程中少接触一些迷茫、达尔文思想或者不体面的餐厅闲谈,家庭教育给了他们希望。 ecocn

Get into a Kobe- related discussion in your school's lunchroom.
或者在你学校的饭堂里讨论关于科比的话题。 chinalakers

He had a different idea: He told the school lunchroom managers to buy an attractive bowl from T.J. Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well- lit place in the lunchroom.
他有个不同的想法:他要学校餐厅的经理从 T.J. Maxx采购了精美的大碗,用这些碗将水果陈列在餐厅光照良好且显眼的位置。 yeeyan

He tried to elbow Me. off the line in the lunchroom.
他想用肘把我挤出餐厅的候餐行列。 ebigear

Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.
卡西.克劳丝老师通过餐厅吃饭的谈话了解到,她的大部分“差生”都打电子游戏。 yeeyan

Tell an adult. If you are being bullied, it's very important to tell an adult. Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop bullying.
告诉大人。如果你被欺负了,将这一切告诉大人很重要。无论是老师,校长,家长,还是午餐配餐室的助理们,都能够帮助你制止流氓的恶行。 iask.sina.com.cn

The meals at the school lunchroom don't look appealing.
学校餐厅的饭菜看上去不吸引人。 tingroom

This general-purpose shelter is a combination tool shed, office, communications center, coffee room, lunchroom and general meeting place for the driller and his crew.
这一通用棚是司钻及井队人员的工具棚、办公室、通讯中心、咖啡屋、午餐屋和会议室结合体。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Two other people had been in the lunchroom.
餐馆里还有另外两个人。 unsv

We have bought ice and bottled water kept in the lunchroom.
我们买了在餐厅和被装瓶的水保留的冰。 directron

Lunchroom conversations at reactors frequently turn to what operators would do in a severe emergency.
反应堆的餐厅谈话针对工作人员应该在紧急事态下做什么。 yeeyan




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