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词汇 lumpy
释义 lump·y 英ˈlʌmpiː美ˈlʌmpiAHDlŭmʹpē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁵⁷¹BNC¹⁹⁸⁸⁶iWeb¹⁹⁵¹²
like or containing small sticky lumps;

the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough

having lumps; not smooth and even in texture;

lumpy gravy

来自lump,大块。lumpy solid samples块形固体试样…lumpy meal结成团的粉,结成块的…lumpy mass总质量lumpy line集总参数线路,集中参…lumpy sea波涛汹涌海面…lumpy sludge块形沉淀物lumpy jaw家畜放线菌病,牛颚放…lumpy wool绵羊的渗出性皮炎,羊…
lump-y的⇒adj.多瘤的¹⁰;凹凸不平的³⁸;波浪起伏的²¹;粗笨的³¹近义词 bumpy颠簸的clumpy成块的awkward尴尬的uneven不平坦的unwieldy笨重的unsmooth不光滑的cumbersome笨重的graceless不优雅的bumbling常出差错的chunky四方形厚块的…lumbering动作迟缓笨拙的…

用作形容词He could feel the thin,lumpymattress.他感到床垫薄而凹凸不平。adj.knotty
同义词 bumpy,chunky,irregularthick,uneven
bumpyadjective rough
coarseadjective rough, unrefined
chapped,coarse-grained,crude,grainy,granular,harsh,homespun,impure,inferior,loose,lumpy,mediocre,particulate,poor quality,rough-hewn,rugged,unfinished,unpolished,unprocessed,unpurified
dulladjective insensitive
dulleradjective insensitive
failurenoun person who does not succeed
also-ran,bankrupt,born loser,bum,castaway,deadbeat,defaulter,derelict,disappointment,dud,flop,good-for-nothing,has-been,incompetent,insolvent,loafer,loser,lumpy,might-have-been,moocher,no-good,nobody,nonperformer,prodigal,turkey,underachiever,washout
failuresnoun person who does not succeed
also-rans,bankrupts,beats,born losers,bums,castaways,deadbeats,defaulters,derelicts,disappointments,duds,flops,good-for-nothings,has-beens,incompetents,insolvents,loafers,losers,lumpies,might-have-beens,moochers,no-goods,nobodies,nonperformers,prodigals,turkeys,underachievers,washouts Pumped into lumpy strangeness at the gym, filleted and stitched by the surgeon, embalmed in Botox, our contemporary celebrities look more like survivors than people who are going places.
在健身房里大练块头、被外科医生缝缝补补、注射肉毒杆菌,当代的名人们似乎更像是劫后余生者,而非成功人士。 hxen

The economic geography of the world is lumpy, and talent likes to clump together into centres of innovation.
世界地缘经济参差不齐,各类人才都希望聚集到创新中心。 yeeyan

The pictures show that it was already lumpy; the denser areas went on to become galaxies, stars and planets.
照片显示它已经处于不均匀的状态;更为致密的区域开始形成银河、恒星和行星。 ecocn

Where transactions are “ lumpy”, as in the commercial aircraft industry, the short-term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist.
但类似民用航空这种价格“奢侈”的行业,情形就不同了,其针对竞争对手降价带来的短期利益之丰厚,实在令人难以抗拒。 ecocn

Before the crisis, banks under their watch progressively thinned out the cushions of capital they were resting on while regulators slumbered on, oblivious to the huge lumpy risks beneath.
在经济危机前,银行监管人似乎在睡大觉,听任其监管下的银行逐渐减少基础缓冲资本,完全疏忽了这种做法蕴藏着的巨大风险。 ecocn

Both industries are constrained by capacity: fishing by quotas and metals by lumpy investments in smelters and power plants.
两个产业均被容量所限制:渔业受制于配额,而金属则受制于对熔炉和发电厂的畸形投资。 ecocn

Business risks that were once seen as a lumpy fact of life are now routinely sliced up and packaged into combinations that generally suit issues and investors alike.

Business risks that were once seen as a lumpy fact of life are now routinely sliced up and packaged into combinations that generally suit issuers and investors alike.
曾一度被认为是人生迭宕起伏的真实写照的商业风险,现在通常被分散后再重新组合成分别适合证券发行者和投资者的资产组合。 ecocn

For the next few weeks, she slept on their lumpy pull-out couch in a cramped garden apartment in Queens, and tried to adjust to life in America.
娜迪蔓的丈夫,卡瑞米,是个高高的,不太言语的家伙。接下来的几个星期,苏嘉住在这个位于皇后区,狭小的花园式公寓里,睡在一张很不平整的折叠式沙发床上。 yeeyan

Growth, says the bank, is inevitably lumpy. Governments must learn to like it.
世行称,发展必然磕磕绊绊,但各国政府必须学会随遇而安。 ecocn

Growth, says the bank, is inevitably lumpy.
世界银行称,发展是难免要遇到的曲折。 ecocn

He was at our home one evening when Mum was massaging me, so he saw my lumpy skin.
那天妈妈给我按摩的时候他在我家,所以他见到了我难看的皮肤。 yeeyan

Industry profits are also too“ lumpy” for the market to be readily carved up.
而且行业内的利润波动太大,根本不利于投资银行瓜分市场。 ecocn

Inside, two dozen people were perched on pillows. They were the same kind of people you find at a bookstore— a lot of spectacles, lumpy sweaters, laptop bags.
里面有二十多人已经躺在了枕头上,他们和那些你在书店看到的人没什么两样,戴着眼镜,穿着块状毛衣,携带笔记本电脑包。 yeeyan

It is lumpy: you can offload parts of your share portfolio, but you cannot sell off the kitchen.
它不善操作:你可以拆掉投资组合的一部分,却不能只卖掉你的厨房。 yeeyan

It’s the presence of cold dark matter that explains how the young universe went from being smooth to being lumpy, as ordinary matter coalesced first into stars and then into galaxies.
这些低温暗物质的存在,解释了宇宙是如何从初始的平直状态进化成如今的不均匀状态,普通物质正是在这一过程中聚合成恒星,形成星系的。 yeeyan

Lending on commercial property is lumpy enough for a single big deal to get sales teams to their targets.
商业地产贷款这样的单笔交易对完成他们的目标来说非常困难。 ecocn

MOST moons are either round and smooth, or lumpy pieces of space rock.
大多数卫星是球状光滑的,或者是大块的宇宙岩石。 yeeyan

The present tax system combines this lumpy system of allowances with a flat- rate tax on output.
目前的税收制度同这套对生产量统一税收的免税额体制结合在了一起。 ecocn

This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is lumpy and hairy and should not be seen by the light of day.
这是因为女性的身体是精美的艺术品,而男人的身体又粗笨又多毛,不该在光天化日之下看到。 yeeyan

Under the hard, lumpy skin is the fragrant, whitish flesh of the fruit, which covers several seeds inside, and has a slight taste of custard.
在凹凸不平的硬壳下,果实芳香,白嫩多汁,有着淡淡的奶油香气,并且内含数颗种子。 yeeyan

Lumpy and lazy; I aspired to lethargy. In the second year of university, I missed half my classes just because I couldn't pull myself out of bed.
我臃肿不堪,懒惰成性,无精打采。大二的时候,因为成日卧床不起,一半的课程都挂了科。 yeeyan

'Good-bye, father, ' said Tess, with a lumpy throat.
“我走啦,爸爸。”苔丝哽咽着说。 hjenglish




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