

单词 absolutes
释义 absolutes ˈæbsəlju:ts COCA⁴⁴⁵⁴⁷BNC³⁸⁷³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.绝对真理指思想或原理absolute的名词复数原型absolute的复数 One- sidedness means thinking in terms of absolutes, that is, taking a metaphysical approach to problems.
片面性就是思想上的绝对化,就是形而上学地看问题。 bab

The inexorable laws of physics dictate that there are certain absolutes which constrain us, but the fact remains that there are many ways to achieve the same goals.
残酷的物理定律确立了约束我们的必然法则,但事实仍延续着殊途同归的道理。 blog.sina.com.cn

The intensity of emotions shows a strong tendency, expansible ego, and logical characteristics of subjective absolutes.
情感强度具有强烈的倾向性、膨胀的自我性、主观的绝对化的逻辑特点; cnki

And in the meantime a dispute over land has acquired the harsh absolutes of a religious conflict.
同时,土地争执也演变为尖锐的宗教冲突。 ecocn

Beneath all of Einstein's theories, including relativity, was a quest for certainties and absolutes.
实际不然,爱因斯坦所有理论包括相对论背后对必然和绝对的追求。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Einstein's major breakthrough was to say that space and time are not absolutes and that gravity is not simply a force applied to an object or mass.
爱因斯坦的重大突破在于指出了空间和时间并非绝对之物,重力也并非仅仅只是施加于物体之上的力。 yeeyan

Eventually he came to believe that the concept of order itself was folly, and that chaos and depravity were the only absolutes within the dark, lonely universe.
最终他认为制造秩序是愚蠢的行为,在黑暗,孤独的宇宙中,黑暗和堕落是绝对的。 sla.sjtu.edu.cn

Everything in the world is cause and effect and there are no fixed outward forms, neither are there absolutes in value systems.
一切事物都是因缘合和,既没有固定的外相,也没有绝对的价值。 dictall

He signed the Humanist Manifesto and rejected traditional religion and moral absolutes.
杜威曾签署《人文主义宣言》,拒绝传统宗教和道德的绝对性。 yeeyan

Here, co-operation is a matter of wary judgment, not absolutes.
这里合作只是出于谨慎的判断,并非绝对。 ecocn

It should strengthen us to resist the pressure to convert momentary impulses into moral absolutes.
历史应让我们有能力抵制把暂时的冲动转变为道德定论的压力; tianya

Moral principles are expressed in absolutes.
道德原则的表示是绝对的。 ecocn

Our culture puts emphasis on goals, on absolutes.
我们的文化讲究目标,讲究顶极。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

So, Galileo here is struggling to get the proper visionary fix on the moon at a point in the day when there are no absolutes.

So I cannot give you a lot of easy absolutes about rock.
所以我不可能给摇滚乐一个绝对的定义。 yeeyan

The ninth house is all about facts, absolutes, and differentiating and defining.
第9宫的所有事实,绝对,并区分和界定。 blog.sina.com.cn

There was less faith in absolutes, not only of time and space, but also of truth and morality.
使人们不向从前那么相信绝对的事物,不但对空间和时间,而且对真理和道德。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

There are few absolutes in this section; often you will hear that a certain operation is great under large tables but horrible for small ones or vice- versa.
但这都不是完全绝对的:某些操作对于大表表现的很棒,然而对于小表就不那么让人满意了,反之亦然。 infoq

These are really goals, not hard absolutes.
这些其实是目标,不是绝对的。 ibm

This tends to provide students with a sliding scale of right and wrong rather than a set of absolutes.
这种教育方式倾向于让学生们获得一种对与错的游标卡尺,而不只是一套绝对的标准。 ebigear

We call this relativism. There is no more moral absolutes.
我们称之为相对主义,不再存在有道德上的绝对; hcchome




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