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词汇 lumbering
释义 lum·ber·ing 英'lʌmbərɪŋ 高TCOCA²⁹⁸³⁹BNC³¹⁸²⁷iWeb²⁹²⁰⁶Economist¹⁵⁶⁸³
the trade of cutting or preparing or selling timber
slow and laborious because of weight;

the heavy tread of tired troops

moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot

ponderous prehistoric beasts

a ponderous yawn

来自lumber,吃力的走,缓慢的走。lumber木材destructive lumbering滥伐
lumber-ing动名词⇒adj.动作迟缓笨拙的n.伐木业动词lumber的现在分词.近义词 clumsy笨拙的awkward尴尬的hulking笨重的heavy大量的unwieldy笨重的ponderous笨重的graceless不优雅的bumbling常出差错的
用作形容词Somelumberingtank would suddenly make an unbelievably tight turn.某些重型坦克会突然做一个不可思议的急转弯。
I knew how common it was for theselumberinggiants to be gashed by boat propellers.我很清楚这些笨拙的大家伙经常会被轮船的螺旋桨刮伤。用作名词adj.clumsy, awkward
同义词 hulking,ungainly,unwieldyblundering,bovine,bumbling,clunking,halting,heavy,overgrown,splayclodhopping,elephantine,gauche,gawky,heavy-footed,inept,klutzy,lead-footed,lumpish,maladroit,ponderous,two left feet,unhandy,wooden
反义词 agile,gliding,lithe
awkwardadjective clumsy, inelegant
all thumbs,amateurish,artless,blundering,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingers,coarse,floundering,gawky,graceless,green,having two left feet,having two left hands,incompetent,inept,inexpert,klutzy,maladroit,oafish,rude,stiff,stumbling,uncoordinated,uncouth,unfit,ungainly,ungraceful,unhandy,unpolished,unrefined,unskilled,unskillful
clumsyadjective not agile;awkward
all thumbs,blundering,blunderous,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingered,clownish,crude,elephantine,gauche,gawkish,gawky,graceless,ham-handed,heavy,heavy-handed,helpless,hulking,ill-shaped,incompetent,inelegant,inept,inexperienced,inexpert,lubberly,lumbering,lumpish,maladroit,oafish,ponderous,splay,stumbling,unable,unadept,uncoordinated,uncouth,undexterous,uneasy,ungainly,unhandy,unskillful,untactful,untalented,untoward,unwieldy,weedy
ganglingadjective rangy
ganglyadjective gangling
gawkyadjective clumsy
haltingadjective hesitant
awkward,bumbling,claudicant,clumsy,doubtful,faltering,gauche,imperfect,indecisive,inept,irresolute,labored,limping,lumbering,maladroit,slow,stammering,stumbling,stuttering,tentative,uncertain,unhandy,vacillating,vacillatory,wavering,wooden And what chance does he have of prodding a lumbering giant such as HBS in the direction that he wants it to go?
另外,面对这 HBS这样一个庞大的机构,他有多少把握能够领导其自己向希望的方向发展? ecocn

Historical Document Primary occupations on the island included farming, fur trading, and lumbering.
岛上的主要职业包括务农、皮毛贸易以及伐木。 yeeyan

The media industry, with its lumbering state giants and fragmented private sector, has created another opening: for online- video sites, such as Youku.
传媒业,伴随着它反应迟钝的国有巨头和破碎的私人部门,已经产生了另一种的机会,在线视频网站,比如说优酷。 yeeyan

The lumbering, Luddite world of automobiles has a special attraction for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.
笨拙守旧的汽车业一向对硅谷企业家们有着特殊的诱惑。 fortunechina

“ THEY never come back” may be an ironclad law of boxing, but AOL and Yahoo! are trying to prove that it does not apply to lumbering online giants.
“他们从不回头”或许是拳击场上的一条铁律,但美国在线和雅虎公司却尝试证明这条铁律不适应于行动迟缓的网络巨头公司们。 ecocn

Attacked at home last week by a 90kg black bear, she sent it lumbering back into the night simply by throwing a courgette at it.
当上周她在家中被一只90公斤的黑熊攻击时,她迅速向黑暗中缓慢移动的黑熊投去一只小胡瓜。 yeeyan

But I also knew how common it was for these lumbering giants to be gashed by boat propellers or entangled in crab traps.
但是,我同样清楚,这些笨拙的大家伙经常会被轮船的螺旋桨刮伤,或者陷入捕蟹笼的迷阵之中。 yeeyan

Corporations and tycoons are increasingly shying away from Gongos, many of which are regarded as opaque and lumbering.
企业和大亨们越来越回避政府组织,大多数的政府组织都被认为是不透明的、效率低下的。 yeeyan

However, the lumbering supply train of thousands of wagons was now struggling through a wet Lithuanian autumn.
然而,数千辆笨重的补给运输马车此时正在立陶宛潮湿泥泞的秋季中挣扎。 yeeyan

India is often portrayed as an elephant: big, lumbering and slow off the mark.
印度经常被描述成一头大象:庞大,动作笨拙,行动迟缓。 ecocn

Officers now cruise neighbourhoods in squad cars more often than in the elderly, lumbering armoured Land Rovers they once used.
警官们乘着警车在街区巡逻,再不用像以前那样躲在老旧笨拙的陆虎装甲车里了。 ecocn

Peter Crouch, Emile Heskey, to take two favourite whipping boys, are more talented than they’re given credit for and certainly far from the stereotypical big lumbering centre forwards of old.
克劳奇,赫斯基,拿这两个被敲打最多的小伙子来说,他们的天赋远远高过得到的认可,他们肯定远远不是那种又大又笨的老式高中锋。 yeeyan

Riders may find themselves inching along behind a lumbering freight train for miles at a time, until the route reaches a side track on which the Amtrak train can pass.
旅客有时会发现列车在木材运输列车之后缓慢爬行数英里,直到遇到美国国铁列车可以通行的侧轨。 ecocn

Science is a slow, lumbering discipline and takes years to feed its results into the education system.
科学总是缓慢地,笨重前行的学科,总是需要好多年才能将研究成果应用到教育系统中去。 yeeyan

Similarly, a group of Russian scientists who attempted to determine correct speed of the film came to the conclusion that the creature really did have a long, lumbering gait.
同样,一个试图弄清影片真实拍摄速度的俄罗斯科学家小组得出结论,这只生物的步伐确实大而缓慢。 yeeyan

Software firms may feel more at home working with partners in the computer industry: mobile operators are widely seen as lumbering giants, if not greedy predators.
在电脑产业中软件公司也许更倾向于在家与伙伴一同工作:移动运营商被普遍看作是笨拙的巨人,如果不是贪婪的食肉动物的话。 ecocn

Still, it will be quite some time before BofA itself looks more like a gleaming S-Class than a lumbering old banger.
但美银要从一辆笨重的老破车转变为一辆闪亮的 s级小轿,还需较长的一段时间恢复。 ecocn

The lumbering giant of Europe's online travel market is picking up plenty of regional market share.
这个欧洲在线旅游市场的庞然大物正占据了不少的地区市场份额。 yeeyan

There are now around150, 000 of the lumbering giants in Newfoundland.
目前,纽芬兰有大约150,000头这种动作迟缓的巨鹿。 ecocn

Traveling across town involved slow rides on lumbering buses, or long treks by bicycle; taxis were still unheard of.
在小城旅行,坐的是慢吞吞的公交车,或者只能骑着自行车长途跋涉;至于出租车,当时还是闻所未闻。 ebigear




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