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词汇 lumber
释义 lumber 英ˈlʌmbə美ˈlʌmbɚAHDlŭmʹbər ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GST宝4八COCA¹⁰⁰³¹BNC³⁹⁷²⁴iWeb⁹²¹³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³


planks,boards,etc. cut from logs


useless things in a house

vi. 笨重地行进,行动迟钝,隆隆驶过

move in a heavy or noisy way

vt. 堆满无用的东西

fill with useless things

vt. 〈非正〉给…增加麻烦;拖累

cause difficulty to sb, especially by giving them an unwanted object or responsibility

the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building materialan implement used in baseball by the batter
move heavily or clumsily;

The heavy man lumbered across the room

cut lumber, as in woods and forestslumber,timber,wood,log






来自lame,跛的,-er,表反复,引申词义吃力的走。木材义词源不详,可能来自timber,字母t, l音变,比较language, tongue,并由木材引申词义大件物品等。 lame来自原始印欧语*lem,击,打,词源同lam, lambaste。引申词义打跛,跛的。来自拉丁语lamina,层,薄片,词源同laminate, omelet。用于指金银锦缎织物。 timber来自古英语timber,房屋,建筑物。来自原始日耳曼语*timran,建筑物。来自原始印欧语*deme,建造,修建。来自原始印欧语*dom,屋子,住所,词源同dome, domicile。后引申词义建筑材料,树木,木材,木料等。 language来自拉丁语lingua,舌头,语言,词源同tongue, linguist。 tongue来自古英语tunge,舌头。来自原始日耳曼语*tungon,舌头。来自原始印欧语*tnghwa,舌头,词源同language, lingual。字母d, l音变,比较tear, lachrymose。引申词义语言。tongue-lash严厉批评tongue,舌头,语言,lash,鞭子,鞭打。lumber room杂物堆放室lumber jacket短夹克衫lumber up以破旧的东西堆满…factory lumber半成材, 再加工材…green lumber生材,湿板saw lumber锯材shop lumber半成材manufactured lumber加工材precut lumber预开木材lumber mattress木沉排rough lumber粗锯材,未刨成材…lumber freeboard木材干舷lumber tally制材记数,成材台帐…structural lumber结构木材lumber yard椎木场木材堆置场…airplane lumber飞机板材lumber jack木材上垛装置…lumber core素材心板,木芯板…lumber carrier木材运输船,木材运输…lumber elevator堆板机,堆垛机…
GRE红宝书lumber = timbern 木料走路象笨重的木料: 沉重、缓慢地移动
类似cumber 妨碍与timber 木材;伐木时拖着木头笨重地走;音:拉木板→拉木头板走路是蹒跚的;long + 音:木板
lumber 原意是'木材'之意
水暖工人plumber累cumber了,吃了根黄瓜cucumber之后,就在木料lumber上睡着slumber了非常记忆lu鹿〖拼音〗+m山〖编码〗+ber伯〖谐音〗⇒小鹿在山里帮老伯找木材GRE难词记忆lumber→ rumble v.发隆隆声→蹒跚而行的巨人一路上发出隆隆声响GRE难词记忆lumber→cumber v.拖累→杂物拖累了大家近义词 clump丛log原木pound磅wood木材load负荷logs原木timber木材burden负担hobble蹒跚boards护板shamble蹒跚encumber妨害plod沉重地走baseball bat棒球球棒trudge缓慢或吃力地走…weigh down使 … 负重担…
用作名词n.The truck was sent to carry lumber.卡车被派出去运木材。
Washington annually leads the nation in lumber production.华盛顿州每年的木材生产都居全国首位。
Could you help me tidy the lumber room?你能帮我整理一下杂物堆放室吗?用作动词v.
S+~+AThe carts lumbered along.大车费力地前进。
S+ ~+n./pron. + prep. -phraseThe suppliers have lumbered me with 50 cases of wine I can't sell.供应商塞给我50箱无法销掉的葡萄酒。
All those things are lumbered in the closet.所有那些东西都乱糟糟地堆放在壁橱里。
Women are lumbered with the housework.妇女依然受到家务的拖累。Plumberern.伐木人Plumbermann.伐木者Plumbersomea.沉重的Plumber-milln.锯木场Plumberyardn.木材堆置场木场Plumberjackn.伐木工人板材上垛装置Plumberingn.伐木伐木业a.外形笨重的笨拙的步子沉重的动作迟缓的表达不流畅的



用作名词I followed the road down past the piles oflumber.我穿过成堆木材,沿着路走下去。
Iron mined in order to topple trees forlumber.开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。
They slapped together a cabin out of oldlumber.他们利用旧木料草草地盖起了一间小屋。
Among the sawmill customers are the chair factory and other users of cutlumber.在锯木场的客户中是那些椅子工厂及其他木料用户。用作动词He was a lumberjack, living inlumbercamps of the American Northwest.他是个伐木工,住在美国西北的伐木营地里。用作及物动词He refused tolumberhimself with a family.他不愿有家室拖累。verb.walk heavily, clumsily
同义词 plod,shuffle,slog,trudge,trundle,waddlebarge,clump,galumph,lump,shamble,stump
反义词 tiptoeglide,relieve,unburdenverb.burden
同义词 charge,cumber,encumber,lade,land,load,saddle,tax,weighimpose upon
反义词 aid,assist,exonerate,help,unburdenglide,relieve
clumpverb make thumping noise
lingerverb loiter, delay
amble,be dilatory,be long,be tardy,crawl,dally,dawdle,dillydally,drift,falter,fool around,fritter away,goof off,hang around,hang out,hesitate,hobble,idle,lag,loll,lumber,mope,mosey,plod,poke,procrastinate,put off,putter,remain,saunter,shuffle,sit around,slouch,stagger,stay,stick around,stop,stroll,take one's time,tarry,tool,totter,trail,traipse,trifle,trudge,vacillate,wait,wait around
lingeredverb loiter, delay
ambled,crawled,dallied,dawdled,dillydallied,drifted,faltered,fool around,frittered away,goof off,hesitated,hobbled,hung around,hung out,idled,lagged,lolled,lumbered,moped,moseyed,plodded,poked,procrastinated,put off,puttered,remained,sat around,sauntered,shuffled,slouched,staggered,stayed,stopped,strolled,stuck around,tarried,took one's time,tooled,tottered,trailed,traipsed,trifled,trudged,vacillated,waited,waited around,was dilatory,was long,was tardy
lingersverb loiter, delay
ambles,crawls,dallies,dawdles,dillydallies,drifts,falters,fool around,fritters away,goof off,hangs around,hangs out,hesitates,hobbles,idles,is dilatory,is long,is tardy,lags,lolls,lumbers,mopes,moseys,plods,pokes,procrastinates,puts off,putters,remains,saunters,shuffles,sits around,slouches,staggers,stays,sticks around,stops,strolls,takes one's time,tarries,tools,totters,trails,traipses,trifles,trudges,vacillates,waits,waits around
loadverb burden, saddle
arrange,ballast,bear,carry,charge,chock,choke,containerize,cram,fill,flood,freight,glut,gorge,heap,heap up,jam,lade,lumber,mass,oversupply,pack,pile,pile it on,pile up,place,pour in,put aboard,ram in,stack,store,stow,stuff,surfeit,swamp,top,top off,weigh,weigh down,weight
planknoun board
deal,lumber,platform,slab,support,timber How does your experience at a Lumber company qualify you for work at our company?
你在王氏木材公司工作的经验使你有资格在我们公司工作呢? kekenet

The business provides jobs for20 of the ejido’s138 members, hauling lumber, turning lathes and planting trees, and each member gets an annual profit share of around15, 000 pesos$1, 150.
这家企业为合作农场的138名成员中的20名提供工作——拖木材、转动车床、种树。每名成员每年可分到约15,000比索1,150美元的利润。 ecocn

The coffin was moved among several different hiding places around the tomb over succeeding years, at one point under a pile of lumber.
随后的几年间,林肯的棺木在墓地附近几个不同的藏身地点之间辗转,其中一个地点是一堆木材的下面; yeeyan

The forest provides lumber, habitat and freshwater and it sequesters vast amounts of carbon.
森林可以提供木材、动物栖息地和淡水,还能储备大量的碳。 yeeyan

An RFID tag will be attached to “ each tree to track ownership, growth, maintenance and the lumber yield from each tree owner's stand, ” according to the company.
这家公司称,每棵树上都放置一个 RFID标签,站在树木所有者的角度跟踪每棵树的所有权、成长、维护和木材产量。 yeeyan

Driving around Baku, you see building cranes and building lumber all the time.
围绕着巴库开车,你随时可以看到建筑起重机和建筑木材。 yeeyan

From the arrival of settlers in Jamestown in1607, lumber was essential to the North American economy.
自从第一批移民在1607年到达詹姆斯敦以来,木材就成为北美经济中不可或缺的一部分。 yeeyan

Furthermore, the system for grading timber was agreed on by the two countries in 2006, when they settled their previous spat over softwood lumber.
此外木材等级分类系统是在2006年,两国就软木材发生争议时,经过双方的同意而建立的。 ecocn

He was a local boy, whose father had worked for a timber company, and lumber interests never had to ask a favour twice.
他是当地人,他父亲曾为一家木材公司打工,所以木材的利益对他来讲是当仁不让的。 ecocn

Home construction also consumes around 40% of the steel and lumber produced in China.
住宅建设同时也消费了中国钢铁及木材产量的40%。 forbeschina

I think this is probably a size of lumber, but you can't get away from the mythology of that number.

It was when he was working on a lumber crew, surrounded by men like himself—the anonymous many who were failing to prosper in the new Russia—that he received the letter from Emil.
有一天,当他在木材场干活的时候,收到了埃米尔寄来的信。 当时他周围都是些跟他类似,没能跟着新俄罗斯一起发达起来的人们。 yeeyan

Just as a construction crew needs a blueprint to build a house out of a pile of lumber, you need a strategy that describes how the transactional building blocks are put together.
正如建筑工人需要根据一张设计图来将一堆木材建造成一栋房子一样,您需要一种策略来描述如何将事务构建块组合在一起。 ibm

Meanwhile, private firms push ever further into remote areas in search of lumber, minerals, oil and gas, creating a whole new series of potential flashpoints.
同时,私营企业向偏远地区进一步推进,以寻找木材、矿产、油气,正造成一个全新系列的潜在热点。 ecocn

On top of the oil bust, Canada’s other commodity exports, such as lumber, are also suffering collapsing demand.
除了这场石油衰退,加拿大的其它商品出口,例如木材,也正在经受需求下降的考验。 ecocn

Scott envisions, for example, a combination of U.S. and Japanese timber companies to develop the huge lumber resources of the Upper Amazon.
例如,斯科特设想联合美国和日本的木材公司来开发亚马逊河上游庞大的木材资源。 yeeyan

Shipbuilding fueled the need for lumber and the demand increased exponentially with the advent of the Industrial Revolution.
造船业促进了对木材的需求,而工业革命的到来更是极大刺激了需求的增长。 yeeyan

Some commodities like lumber and iron ore are bulky, costly to warehouse, and should be less susceptible to financial speculation.
一些大宗商品如木材和铁矿石体积庞大,其仓储费甚高,因此,它们理应不是金融投机的宠儿。 yeeyan

The creek was dammed in the late19th century to provide power to the area's lumber and cotton mills.
19世纪晚期,为了向这一地区的伐木场和棉花厂提供动力,这条小河上曾筑起一道水坝。 ecocn

Under the Bush administration alone, a huge range of products from lumber to microchips are being protected from low-priced foreign competition.
仅布什政府任下,从木材到微芯片,大量的产品正被保护起来,避免外来的低价竞争。 yeeyan

Whereas I can get local lumber from a sawmill.
但我可以从伐木场弄到本地木材。 yeeyan




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