

单词 lulled into
释义 lulled into短语⁶³⁹⁶⁰
City high- flyers are being lulled into a false sense of security, Prof Badre says.
巴德雷教授表示,金融城里有抱负的人正产生一种错误的安全感。 iciba

AS YOU drive past the main checkpoint and on into the centre of Homs, Syria’s third- largest city, about160km100 miles north of the capital, Damascus, it is easy to be lulled into a sense of calm.
胡姆斯是叙利亚的第三大城市,位于首都大马士革以北160公里。当你驱车通过胡姆斯周围主要的检查关卡然后进入市中心,可能会被它的平静所迷惑。 ecocn

Central bankers and regulators were “ lulled into complacency by a combination of a Panglossian worldview and benign experience, ” Janet Yellen, the Fed’s vice- chairman, said last year.
去年,美联储副主席珍妮特•耶仑曾说过:中央银行的管理者们被一种对世界经济局势过分乐观的观点和良好的业绩所欺骗而自鸣得意。 ecocn

Don't be lulled into thinking your privacy settings are foolproof.
不要相信你的隐私设置是十分安全的。 ecocn

It's not enough to put your money behind a great long-term stock and then forget about it, lulled into complacency by a belief that in the long run your investments will do fine.
把你的钱托付给长线股就不顾不理,而且自鸣得意于长期必定获益,这还不够。 yeeyan

Now that you have been lulled into the simplicity of code review rules, let's make it a bit more challenging.
下面,我们制作一个更富挑战性的代码评审规则。 ibm

Since the Enlightenment, Western societies have been lulled into a belief that progress is inevitable.
从启蒙时代开始,西方社会被一个想法忽悠了:进步是自然而然产生的。 yeeyan




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