释义 |
Luli 基本例句 卢利¹⁰⁰ Chairwoman of the Central Committee: HeLuli⎫ It includes reports about the unearthed ancient corpses from Xinjiang by Chinese and foreign scholars in the early part of the twentieth century, compiled by comrade WangLuli.王路力同志辑录的20世纪前期国内外学者有关新疆出土古尸的报导; China Peaceful unification Promotion agency Vice-chairman HeLuli, Luo Haocai, Zhang Kehui and the executive member of the council attends the conference.中国和平统一促进会副会长何鲁丽、罗豪才、张克辉及常务理事出席会议。 KeLuliprovides an extreme case to Afp reporter, namely credulous rubbish report mails model of a Brazil content, buy and take some kind of pill reducing weight, final meet one's death.克鲁利向法新社记者提供一个极端案例,即一名巴西模特儿轻信垃圾电邮内容,购买和服用某种减肥药丸,最终丧命。 HeLuli何鲁丽 |