

单词 Lula
释义 LulaEconomist⁵⁰⁵⁴
Brazil’s new president, Dilma Rousseff, is a protégée of Lula.
巴西新总统罗塞夫,是一个前任总统卢拉的支持者。 ecocn

In neither of Lula’s governments did he command such support in the Senate. That stopped him from doing much that he wanted.
卢拉的两届政府都没能在参议院获得如此多的支持,这也是他未能完成许多计划的原因所在。 ecocn

The fund Lula wants to set up with oil revenues could, as he says, help Brazil to overcome poverty, low standards in education and limited investment in science and technology.
卢拉声称,他想用于建造石油储备的资金可以用来帮助巴西解决贫困问题,教育水平低下以及科技投资有限的问题。 ecocn

To his credit, President Lula has not reversed these changes, as many feared he might.
这都是卢拉总统的功劳,他没有像许多人担心的那样走回头路。 yeeyan

“ I know that a leader like Lula will never be far from his people and from every one of us, ” Rousseff said as she choked back tears in her victory speech Sunday night.
“我知道一位像卢拉这样的领袖永远也不会远离他的人民以及我们中的每个人。”罗塞芙眼含泪水在她星期天的获胜演讲中说。 yeeyan

“ Lula, Son of Brazil” is the tale of a poor boy made good, his flaws left on the cutting table and his virtues in close-up.
电影《鲁拉,巴西之子》讲述一个贫户子弟奋发向上的故事,他的缺陷在剪辑台上被删除,而优点长处则被特写镜头放大。 ecocn

Asked about fears that Brazil’s democracy could be threatened by an extension of these trends, Lula says this is“ unthinkable”.
当被问及巴西的民主可能会被这些潮流的蔓延所威胁时,卢拉认为这是“无法想象的”。 ecocn

But Lula’s pledge that Brazil would be generous to smaller neighbours to boost integration has not always been reciprocated.
卢拉承诺,巴西会对稍小的邻国慷慨解囊以促进区域的整合,但这种承诺总无法做到互惠互利。 ecocn

But continued progress will require different policies, as Lula sometimes seems to recognise.
但是持续的发展需要不同的政策,卢拉似乎有待认识这一点。 ecocn

But in Lula’s first term his advisers seemed to think they could integrate South America, against the United States and from the left.
但在卢拉第一任任期内,他手下的顾问似乎认为自己有能力将南美各国捏合起来,对抗美国和来自左翼的压力。 ecocn

But that would require another insight from Lula, as important as his conversion to low inflation: that the main obstacle to progress is the state itself.
但是这要看卢拉有没有当初他转向低通货膨胀时那样的远见卓识:进步的主要障碍在于国家本身。 ecocn

But this has masked some important weaknesses that Lula did not fix, and may even have exacerbated.
但是,这已经掩饰了鲁拉无法修改的一些重要弱点,甚至可能已经加重。 ecocn

By common consent, policy towards South America has become more pragmatic in Lula’s second term.
在第二任期内,卢拉的南美洲政策变得更为务实了,这一点是受到公认的。 ecocn

Certainly Lula deserves praise for not imitating the economic populism of some of the other left-wing leaders who have come to power in Latin America over the past decade.
当然,鲁拉应该受到赞美,因为他没有模仿过去十年在拉美国家掌权的其他左派领袖采取经济上的民粹主义。 ecocn

During the60th anniversary ceremony, Dr Diouf awarded FAO's Agricola Medal to President Lula da Silva and a message from Pope Benedict XVI was read by the Secretary of State of the Holy See.
在60周年庆祝仪式期间,迪乌夫博士向卢拉•达席尔瓦总统颁发了粮农组织的“农民奖章”,并由教廷国务卿宣读了教皇本笃十六世的致辞。 fao

Getting the games is a triumph for Lula’s foreign policy, which since2003 has centered on Africa and the developing world, where much of Rio’s lobbying focused.
获得奥运举办权是卢拉外交政策的胜利,自2003年以来针对非洲和发展中国家就一直执行这个外交政策,那些国家是里约游说的重点。 yeeyan

His critics argue that, given his popularity, Lula could have done more to fix some of Brazil’s deep-rooted problems.
批评家认为,鉴于卢拉的支持率如此之高,他所能做的完全不仅仅是解决巴西根深蒂固的问题而已。 ecocn

In his first term Lula's reluctance to share power with other parties led to a congressional vote- buying scandal that nearly destroyed his presidency.
在第一个任期内,卢拉不愿意分权给其它党派,这导致了国会购买选票的丑闻,并几乎毁了他的总统宝座。 edu.sina.com.cn

It has half- acquiesced to Lula’s pleas that it invest in Brazilian steelmaking; it has put modest sums into joint ventures and other partnerships.
它半默许了卢拉让其投资巴西钢铁制造业的请求,已经对一些合资企业和其他合作伙伴投入了一定数量的资金。 ecocn

Last month he ran ads showing archive footage of the two together. “ Serra and Lula, two men of history, two experienced leaders,” ran the voice-over.
上个月,他推出的竞选广告将两人的档案画面剪接在一起,配上旁白「瑟哈和鲁拉,历史上的两个男人,两位有经验的领导人。」 ecocn

Like Obama said, Lula is the man. He can connect to the people and that’s how he convinced the Olympic committee.
就像奥巴马说的,卢拉是伟人,他能够与人民建立良好关系,这就是他如何说服奥委会的原因。 yeeyan

More recently, as Lula’s energy minister and then chief of staff, she has been a competent manager, though with a notoriously short fuse.
最近,作为卢拉的能源部部长,之后又任负责人,她已经成长为一名有能力的管理人,虽然脾气也是暴的出名。 ecocn

Ms Rousseff, who has never before held elected office, will now have to show whether she is a mere proxy for Lula or a leader in her own right.
以前从未从事过选举事务的罗塞夫女士现在必须表明她仅仅是个卢拉的代表还是个真正的领导人。 ecocn

Much like Lula, whose government faced serious corruption scandals, Dilma has had to face questions about her dealings with staff, as well as her campaign's conduct.
很像卢拉,他的政府面对严重的腐败丑闻,迪尔玛必须面对如何她处理工作人员以及她的竞选行为的难题。 yeeyan

One commentator, Luiz Castro, said that even though he was not a Lula supporter, he admits the 63-year-old has done a better job than he would have imagined.
一位评论员路易斯·卡斯特罗表示,即使他不是卢拉的支持者,他也得承认,这位63岁的总统的确做得比他意料之中要好。 yeeyan

One party leader responded to revelations of corruption by warning of the perils of“ too much” press freedom, while Lula complained that some publications“ act as if they were a political party”.
一位党派领导人对于裙带腐败的回应是,提醒说“过度”的媒体自由会带来危险,而卢拉则抱怨说一些刊物“已政党身份自居”。 ecocn

President Lula frequently talks about how important democracy is, and members of his government invoke their experience of exile or imprisonment at the hands of Brazil’s former military government.
鲁拉总统经常在谈民主的重要性,而他的政府成员唤起了自己在巴西前军政府时代的流亡或坐牢经验。 ecocn

She looked relaxed and in control, and of course Lula featured heavily.
她看上去很放松且自控,而卢拉则显然面色凝重。 ecocn

She was not an obvious successor to Lula.
她并不是众人眼中卢拉的继承人。 ecocn

So the outcome of the election may determine the speed with which Brazil advances in the post- Lula era. Nevertheless, the country’s course seems to be set.
因此选举的结果将会决定巴西在后卢拉时代的领先发展速度,不过该国的进程似与已成定局。 ecocn

Still, as Lula pointed out, what looks like a winning lottery ticket can all too easily become a curse.
然而,正如鲁拉所指,就像赢得乐透彩券一样,所有一切得来太容易反而成为一种诅咒。 ecocn

That would require deeper reforms to a sprawling state than Lula has been willing to push so far.
那将要求对于杂乱无章的国家进行更深化的改革,远超过鲁拉迄今愿意推动的改革。 ecocn

The way to do so is not to equivocate between democrats and autocrats, as Lula seems to think.
达到这一目的的方法不该像卢拉认为的那样周旋于民主国家与独裁政权之间。 ecocn

They accuse Lula of using the recession as an excuse to expand the state’s grip on the economy, either directly with oil or indirectly through loans by state banks.
他们指责卢拉是利用经济衰退为借口,趁机直接对石油或间接通过国家银行贷款扩大国家对经济的控制力。 ecocn

This fiasco provides fuel for both sides in a long-running debate in Brazil about the foreign policy of the Lula government.
这次外交失利,对巴西国内长期以来关于卢拉政府外交政策的辩论来说,无异于火上浇油。 ecocn

Lula rode to office on a wave of anti- capitalist rhetoric that panicked investors and brought the country to the brink of default in2002.
卢拉依靠要职掀起反资本主义的言论浪潮,这些言辞曾经使投资者惊慌失措并使该国在2002年处于违约的边缘。 yeeyan

Lula, who turned Ms Rousseff from a back- room technocrat into an election winner by campaigning at her side, has found his queen- making power has limits.
卢拉支持罗塞夫竞选总统,使他由一个默默无闻的技术性官员转变成一场选举的获胜者,而他发现他塑造“王后”的能力着实有限。 ecocn

Lula, who must step down next year after his second term, may be more than a spectator at the2016 Olympics.
明年卢拉第二届任期到期后必须退位,在2016年的奥运会上,他可能最多是一名观众。 yeeyan

Lula agrees that the expanded role of the state should be temporary.
卢拉也认为,国家作用的扩大应该是暂时的。 ecocn

Lula had a penchant for embracing dictators, from Cuba’s Fidel Castro to Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
卢拉很支持独裁者的领导,从古巴的卡斯特罗到伊朗的内贾德,都予以肯定。 ecocn

Lula handpicked his chief of staff to replace him and was at her side throughout the campaign.
卢拉亲手挑选他的幕僚长接替他,并在整个竞选活动期间始终站在她身边。 yeeyan

Lula himself plans to play a larger role in managing the coalition and relations with Congress.
卢拉自己也计划在管理执政联盟以及同议会的关系方面扮演更大的角色。 ecocn

Lula is right to say that his country deserves respect, just as he deserves much of the adulation he enjoys.
卢拉有理由宣称他的国家理应受到尊重,一如他有理由享受他所受到的奉承。 ecocn

Lula said in his speech that the recognition of China's market economic status by Brazil reflects the rich implications of Brazil-China strategic partnership.
卢拉在会上发表讲话说,巴西今天宣布承认中国的市场经济地位,这表明巴中战略伙伴关系是富有内涵的。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Lula understands from personal experience what matters in helping poorer Brazilians get ahead.
凭借个人经验,卢拉明白,帮助贫苦巴西人民进步的重点坐在。 ecocn




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