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词汇 lukewarm
释义 luke·warm 英ˈluːkˈwɔːm美ˈlukˈwɔrmAHDl›kʹwôrmʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁴¹⁸²BNC²⁰⁰³¹iWeb¹⁵⁸⁴⁰Economist¹⁴⁹²⁸

moderately warm;

he hates lukewarm coffee

tepid bath water

feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm;

a halfhearted effort

gave only lukewarm support to the candidate

这其实是个复合形容词,由luke加warm组成。luke在中世纪英语作louke,源于荷兰语leuk,意思就是tepid微温的。既然luke本身已足以表示lukewarm的意义,再加上warm就似乎显得多余了。然而,这并不影响lukewarm 一词的通用。lukewarm bath温水浴lukewarm spring微温泉lukewarm water温水
GRE红宝书luke微微, warm温-微温的; 冷淡的
lake warm 象湖水般微温的,如西湖
luke=tepid微温+wa rm温→微温的
GRE难词记忆lukewarm→luke a.微温的+warm a.温暖的→温热的词根记忆luke= tepid微温+ warm温⇒微温的GRE难词记忆luke→lake n.湖→微温的湖水近义词 warm温暖的damp潮湿的cool凉爽的tepid微温的subdued屈服的apathetic缺乏感情的indifferent漠不关心的halfhearted半心半意的half-hearted缺乏热情的unenthusiastic不热心的uninterested不感兴趣的disinterested不感兴趣的unexcited未励磁的未加激励的…

用作形容词Can you give a cup oflukewarmwater?你可以帮我倒杯温水吗?
Our enjoyment seemed ratherlukewarm.我们的欣赏热情似乎不高。
He gave onlylukewarmsupport to our plan.他只是半心半意地支持我们的计划。adj.(slightly heated
同义词 tepid,warmblood-warm,milk-warm,warmish
反义词 coldchilly,cool,cooled,enthusiastic,excited,happy,interestedadj.indifferent, unenthusiastic
同义词 apathetic,chilly,halfhearted,hesitant,indecisive,tepid,uncertain,uncommittedcold,cool,irresolute,phlegmatic,unconcerned,undecided,uninterested,unresolved,unresponsive,wishy-washy
反义词 certain,definite,determined,hot,interested,responsive,sure,warmcooled,enthusiastic,excited,happy
blaseadjective nonchalant
apathetic,been around twice,bored,cloyed,cool,disenchanted,disentranced,done it all,fed up,glutted,indifferent,jaded,knowing,laid-back,mellow,mundane,offhand,satiated,sick of,sophisticate,sophisticated,surfeited,unconcerned,unexcited,uninterested,unmoved,weary,world-weary,worldly
blaséadjective nonchalant
apathetic,been around twice,bored,cloyed,cool,disenchanted,disentranced,done it all,fed up,glutted,indifferent,jaded,knowing,laid-back,lukewarm,mellow,mundane,offhand,satiated,sick of,sophisticate,sophisticated,surfeited,unconcerned,unexcited,uninterested,unmoved,weary,world-weary,worldly
coldadjective aloof, unresponsive
coldestadjective aloof, unresponsive
cooladjective aloof, disapproving
coolestadjective aloof, disapproving
annoyed,apathetic,distant,frigid,impertinent,impudent,incurious,indifferent,insolent,lukewarm,offended,offhand,offish,procacious,reserved,solitary,standoffish,unapproachable,uncommunicative,unenthusiastic,unfriendly,uninterested,unresponsive,unsociable,unwelcoming,withdrawn As between cold water and hot water, it is the lukewarm water party.
处于冷水和热水之间的是温水派。 ebigear

In the morning, just splash with lukewarm never hot water.
早上用温水不要用热水轻拍脸部。 ebigear

The president’s scheme has drawn a lukewarm reaction.
但是,人们对总统的该项计划回应冷淡。 ecocn

The same rule applies to hand- washing: Wash hands in lukewarm, never hot, water this is a rule I firmly abide by.
同样的规则也适用于洗手:用温水洗手,切莫用热水,这是我唯一能坚定遵守的。 ebigear

Every night you should rinse your face with lukewarm water.
明天晚上你应该用温水洗脸。 hxen

Hot water robs skin of moisture causing dry skin, so it's best to shower in lukewarm water.
热水会抢走皮肤水分而导致皮肤干燥,因此最好用温水淋浴。 ebigear

However, America joined Britain and France to give the World Bank's request for a capital increase a distinctly lukewarm reception.
但是,美国加入了英法的行列对世界银行增加资本的要求给与了冷淡的回应。 yeeyan

I felt the unpleasantness of the lukewarm liquid down my throat.
我感到微温的液体滑下咽喉的不快。 ebigear

I was sick of being lukewarm.
我厌倦了被冷淡的滋味。 yeeyan

I would say within three years we will have the first suggestion of rocky, lukewarm planets.
我想说,三年之内我们会找到坚固的、微温的行星的一点线索。 yeeyan

If the police do not find that an offence has been committed, Mr Huhne is likely to survive in his role, despite the lukewarm public backing he has received from David Cameron.
如果警方发现这一指控不属实,那么休恩就有可能继续留任,尽管公众对他冷淡,但是他却得到了卡梅隆的支持。 ecocn

In fact, we have an entire line of lukewarm, sun-soaked, and partially turned mayonnaises that we just know Americans will love.
实际上,我们有一整排温热的、沐浴在阳光中还有一点变质的蛋黄酱,我们就知道美国人会喜欢的。 yeeyan

Instead, Iess and colleagues think that Titan's ice and rock remained together in a relatively lukewarm mixture.
但Iess和他的同事认为泰坦内部的冰和岩石一直处于一种相对微温的混合物状态。 yeeyan

It also helps to bathe only in lukewarm water.
在温水里洗一下也很有效。 yeeyan

Mr Obama’s support for free trade remains lukewarm, a failing that could yet undermine hopes for export- led growth.
奥巴马对自由贸易表现冷淡,然而这种冷淡可能打击以出口拉动经济的希望。 ecocn

Rinse: Rinse cleanser off by splashing lukewarm water on the face.
冲洗: 将温水用手泼溅在脸上来冲掉洗面奶。 yeeyan

So in view of the lukewarm reviews, the acquisition by Microsoft was unexpected.
所以从冷淡的评论来看,被微软收购出于意料。 yeeyan

The film got a lukewarm reception from critics in Venice, though it did receive a four-star review from the Daily Telegraph.
这部影片受到一位来自于威尼斯评论家的冷淡回应,尽管此前它刚刚通过了《每日电讯报》的四星级审查。 yeeyan

This year, she stood in front of a group of400 of them and posed a question she thought would receive a lukewarm response in today's challenging economic climate.
今年,她站在400位家长面前,问了一个她认为在现在备受挑战的经济形势下大家反应会比较冷淡的问题。 yeeyan

This can be done by soaking your hands for a few minutes in lukewarm water.
在温水中泡一泡能让你的手湿润些。 yeeyan

Warm the glycerin slightly to lukewarm temperature.
将甘油轻度加热,加到温热。 yeeyan

Western officials have given that a lukewarm response, but there has been greater interest in China’s proposals for a restructuring of voting rights at the IMF to allow developing nations more say.
西方官员对此给予了冷淡的回应,但是对于中国建议调整 IMF的投票权,使发展中国家有更多的发言权却有更大的兴趣。 yeeyan

When it comes to drinking during runs, cold water is actually better than lukewarm water because it's absorbed faster.
当你要跑步的时候,冷水确实比温水好因为它吸收的更快。 yeeyan

You can only wash it in lukewarm water.
您只能在温水中洗。 ebigear

Lukewarm Water: Start with a warm water flush to open pores and loosen dirt.
温水:温水洗脸可以打开毛孔,清除污垢。 yeeyan




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