

单词 Luise
释义 LuiseCOCA⁹⁹¹⁵⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
The main characters such as Walther, Ferdinand and Luise do not hold malice against each other, yet the fact that they act according to their own will finally leads to an irrevocable tragedy.
剧中主要人物瓦尔特、斐迪南、露伊斯主观上彼此并无恶意,但当他们各自按照自己的意愿行动时却成了不可挽回的悲剧。 bioon

Her laugh, her sniffs of contempt, and her angry or enthusiastic remarks left no doubt that she was following the action intently, and that she found both Emilia and Luise to be silly little girls.
她那爽朗的笑声,鄙视的鼻息,她的愤怒或热情的话语,毫无疑问,她专心致志地跟随着故事情节的发展,她认为艾美丽娅和露易丝都是小傻瓜。 yeeyan

Other children have put together presentations on bionics, black holes, female pirates, and the life of Queen Luise of Prussia.
其他学生的报告涉及仿生学、黑洞、女性海盗,以及普鲁士露意丝王后的生平。 ebigear




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