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词汇 luigi
释义 luigi
Roma finished the match with ten men after Luigi Sartor was sent off and Delneri apologized for the abject performance from his players.
萨托尔被罚下,罗马是十个人踢完了比赛,德尔内里现在不得不为队员们的拙劣表现而道歉。 romabbs

“ Mild caloric restriction is beneficial to everybody,” said Dr. Luigi Fontana, a medical professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
“温和的卡路里限制,有利于每个人”,医疗教授圣路易斯华盛顿大学的 Luigi Fontana博士说。 yeeyan

“ These two deals involving foreign banks unblocked a system that was stuck solid, ” said Luigi Abete, BNL's chairman.
“这两宗涉及外国银行的交易打破了僵化的体制。” BNL主席 Luigi Abete说。 ecocn

Luigi Lavazza was considerably skilled at carefully selecting the amount of each ingredient required for one particular blend as well as expertly determining the degree of roasting.
拉法札在此方面技巧十分娴熟,对任一种特殊配制,原料的质与量均是精挑细选,烘培的程度亦经审慎的专业判断。 iciba

A more obvious example might be the Luigi Bormoli website, which uses AJAX to produce an elegant presentation of glassware.
一个更加明显的例子是 Luigi Bormoli的网站,它使用 AJAX制造出一种优雅的表现方式,来呈现玻璃器皿的感觉。 yeeyan

Another, Luigi, was seventeen.
另一个人是路易吉,十七岁。 yeeyan

Antonio Marcegaglia,47, graduated with top grades in business economics from Milan's Luigi Bocconi University in1987, subsequently obtaining a master's degree in the United States.
安东尼玛切嘉利,47岁,与商业经济学的最高等级,从米兰的路易吉博科尼大学在1987年毕业,随后在美国获得硕士学位的程度。 shhrui

Bowser's Inside Story features Mario and Luigi exploring the cavernous— but cute, always cute —stomach and intestines of Mario nemesis Bowser.
《马里奥与路易基 RPG3》的游戏情节以马里奥和路易基在海绵状的-但是很可爱的—马里奥“死对头” Bowser的胃肠道的冒险探索为主线。 yeeyan

But the enemy surrendered before Luigi could find Alberto.
但是在路易基能找到阿尔贝托之前,敌人投降了。 yeeyan

Came a war and a guy called Luigi asked if he could go, as a volunteer.
战争爆发了,一位名叫路易基的男子想成为战争志愿者。 yeeyan

Created by Italian artist Luigi Serafini, the book is supposed to be an encyclopedia of another world.
书的作者是意大利艺术家路易吉·塞拉菲尼,该书被认为是另一个世界的百科全书。 yeeyan

In 1983 Italian artist and designer Luigi Serafini produced Codex Seraphinius— an encyclopedia of an imaginary world, written in an imaginary language which has yet to be deciphered.
1983年,意大利艺术家、设计师 Luigi Serafini虚构了一个神奇的百科全书和难以置信的世界—— Codex Seraphinius,书中描写的想象出来的语言至今仍未被破译。 yeeyan

In new research, Oliver Hart, of Harvard University, and Luigi Zingales, of the University of Chicago, argue that the mix of debt and equity should fluctuate according to the risk of bank failure.
美国哈佛大学的 Oliver Hart和芝加哥大学的 Luigi Zingales在最新研究当中主张说,债务和股本的组合应随着银行倒闭的风险而波动。 ecocn

It was nothing if not demanding, bringing back harrowing memories of ‘ Luigi’s Purple Coin Hunt’.
如果没有要求,这似乎不算什么难事,不得不让我想起“路易基寻找紫色硬币”的悲惨记忆。 yeeyan

It's an upgraded version Medieval Duke and Mercenaries by Luigi with my new troops and lot of nice kingdom features.

Ten years ago Szostak and Pier Luigi Luisi, then at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, settled an argument by writing a paper together.
十年前绍斯塔克和位于苏黎世的瑞士联邦学院的皮尔·路易吉·路易西,通过共同撰写论文解决了争端。 yeeyan

The winner in Naples was a maverick former prosecutor, Luigi de Magistris, who ran for the anti-corruption Italy of Principles party, founded by another former prosecutor, Antonio Di Pietro.
那不勒斯的获胜者以前是位独立检举人,他参加了由另一位前检举人安东尼奥·迪·彼得罗创建的以反腐败为原则的党派。 ecocn

When Tom himself refuses to do it, the Judge challenges Luigi to a duel.
在汤姆自己不愿决斗的情况下,法官自己向路易吉挑战决斗。 wordmind

Luigi Luisi favored the membrane first: It would hold a primitive “ protocell” together and keep its vital chemicals concentrated.
路易吉·路易西认为先有膜:膜能将最初的原细胞包起来,并使其重要化学成分集中起来。 yeeyan

Luigi had the gall to shout to him.
路易吉厚着脸皮冲他喊道。 yeeyan

Luigi and I were already at the top and saw him struggling among the loose rocks fifty metres below us.
路易吉和我已经到达了山顶,看到他在我们下面五十米的地方不坚固的岩石中挣扎着。 yeeyan

Luigi Ciocca: Because I think that my experience and professionalism will be useful for their projects, thus creating a combination that could lead results to both.
Luigi Ciocca:因为我想我的专业经验将会对他们很有帮助,这样就能建立双方的合作关系。

Luigi Ciocca: I always thought that we can“ educate” the people to the beautiful.
Luigi Ciocca:我总是认为我们可以“教”人们变得更美丽。

Luigi Ciocca: I created the corners of trends for the textiles fair in Istanbul, so to highlight the trends of the new Turkish fabrics.
Luigi Ciocca:在伊斯坦布尔,我建立了几个纺织品流行趋势的“时尚角”,用来展现土耳其最新面料的流行风格。

Luigi shouted and cursed.
路易吉喊着,诅咒着。 yeeyan

Luigi wasn't happy.
路易基很不开心。 yeeyan

Luigi Zingales, an economist who sits on the CCMR, says the figures suggest something fundamental has changed.
经济学家 Luigi Zingales坐在 CCMR,说道数据表明已经发生基本的变化。 ecocn




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