

单词 Luckett
释义 Luckett ˈləkət COCA⁹¹⁵⁶²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist¹⁵²⁶¹
And he defeated Mr Luckett in23 of Mississippi's25 majority- black counties.
他也在25个密西西比主要人口为黑人的城镇23次打败了路肯特。 ecocn

In March2000, as the group prepared to shoot a video for its hit“ Say My Name, ” Columbia Records announced that Roberson and Luckett had left the group.
年3 月,正逢乐队准备为其主打歌《说我的名字》拍摄录像带之际,哥伦比亚唱片公司宣布罗伯逊和勒基特已离开乐队。 taodocs

That system has not produced a quake of similar magnitude since1751, says Richard Luckett, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey, which is headquartered near Nottingham, UK.
总部设在联合王国诺丁汉的英国地质勘探局的一位地震专家 Richard Luckett说,从1751年以来,这个体系从来没有发生过类似强度的地面震动。 yeeyan

But attributing that success entirely to race would be unfair: Mr DuPree was thrice elected mayor of Mississippi's third- largest city, while Mr Luckett never held office before.
但是把成功全归功于种族上的不平等:杜普里先生曾经三次当选密西西比第三大城市的市长而路肯特却从来不曾执掌政府机关。 ecocn

It was not entirely surprising: in the Democratic primary, held on August2nd, he took43.6% of the votes to Mr Luckett's 39.2%, and then promptly won the endorsements of all the other candidates.
这一点都不令人惊讶:在该州民主党8月2日的初选中,他以43.6%的得票率击败了得票率只有39.2%勒吉特先生,然后迅速的赢得了其他候选人的支持。 ecocn




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