

单词 Lucile
释义 LucileEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Last November, I had the pleasure of leading a workshop for a100 Silicon Valley nonprofit organizations in hosted by Compasspoint and generously supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
去年11月,我有幸成为由100家硅谷非营利组织组成的工作坊的主讲之一。 该工作坊由 Compasspoint组织,并且得到了美国大卫与露西·派克德基金会的大力支持。 yeeyan

Severe stress can damage a child's brain, say researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.
斯坦福大学医学院和 Lucile Packard儿科医院的研究人员声称,严重应激能够损伤儿童的大脑。 xlzx

The research at Station M was sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
在 M海域进行的研究是由美国国家自然基金会以及大卫和露西尔·派克德基金会赞助的。 yeeyan

There is a party in Melanie's house. Jeff arrives and sees Lucile sitting on the sofa.
在梅勒妮家有聚会。杰夫来了,看到露塞尔正坐在沙发上。 enfang

When I was alive, I was always Maggie Tyson, after Linda and Lucile Tyson.
当我在世时,我是麦琪泰森,在琳达和露西泰森之后。 douban

Lucile claimed the roast beef never tasted right after Bill and Dave started using the oven as HP's first paint- baking facility.
自从比尔和大卫开始使用她的烤箱作为惠普最早的油漆烘干设备后,露西尔抱怨说烤出的牛排味道再也不对了。 renren




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