

单词 lucidity
释义 lu·cid·i·ty 英lʊ'sɪdəti美lʊ'sɪdəti 高COCA⁴⁵⁴¹¹BNC³⁴⁹⁰⁴iWeb³³¹⁴¹

free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expressiona lucid state of mind; not confused词根词缀: -luc-光,照 + -id形容词词尾 + -ity名词词尾lucid明白易懂的
词根记忆lucid(明晰/清澈-ity表状态表名词,指具备某种性质⇒lucidity n.清晰;清醒近义词 logic逻辑reason原因clarity清楚fluency流利limpidity清澈clearness晴朗simplicity简单sanity神智健全brightness光亮perspicuity明晰rationality理性pellucidity透明度lucidness透明清楚luminousness透光率luminescence发冷光translucence半透明intelligibility可理解性unambiguousness明显的(清楚的…
同义词 claritypurity,transparency
claritynoun clearness
classicismnoun simple style;regularity, restraint
Atticism,Ciceronianism,Hellenism,aesthetic principle,balance,clarity,class,classicalism,conventional formality,dignity,elegance,excellence,finish,formal style,formality,grand style,grandeur,high art,lucidity,majesty,neoclassicism,nobility,objectivity,polish,proportion,propriety,pure taste,purity,rationalism,refinement,rhythm,severity,simplicity,sobriety,sublimity,symmetry
clearnessnoun brightness
distinctnessnoun clearness
limpiditynoun clarity
limpidnessnoun clarity
accuracy,articulateness,brightness,certainty,clearness,cognizability,comprehensibility,conspicuousness,decipherability,definition,directness,distinctness,evidence,exactitude,exactness,explicability,explicitness,intelligibility,legibility,limpidity,lucidity,lucidness,manifestness,obviousness,openness,overtness,palpability,pellucidity,pellucidness,penetrability,perceptibility,perspicuity,perspicuousness,plainness,precision,prominence,purity,salience,simplicity,tangibility,transparency,unambiguity,unmistakability But we call the lucid ones virile and we do not want a strength that is apart from lucidity.
不过,我们还是称那些清醒之人为具有男子气概的人,我们不需要那种独立于清醒之外的力量。 yeeyan

I measure prophets’ value by their ability to doubt, the frequency of their moments of lucidity.
先知的价值,要看他们的怀疑力是大还是小,他们神智清醒时是多还是少。 tianya

That is where it must be sought. One must follow and understand this fatal game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to flight from light.
你却必须理解并继续这个致命的游戏,这个让人从清醒地面对存在到逃离阳光、奔向黑暗的游戏。 yeeyan

The picture would become clear lucidity while only adjusting good focal distance, this embodied the strength that the concentration has.
只有调整好焦距时,图像才会变得清晰明朗,这就体现了集中所具有的力量。 douban

But it can, and ought to, reflect upon the framework within which we consider these questions, and in doing so perhaps offer a lucidity we might otherwise lack.
可是哲学可以,也应该给大家提供一个框架,使我们置身其中关注这些问题,而且这样做也许提供了我们所缺少的明晰。 yeeyan

He wrote with lucidity about the works of computer scientists, philosophers and playwrights, always giving credit where it was due.
面对电脑科学家﹑哲学家以及剧作家的工作成果,他则条分缕析,适时褒奖。 ecocn

Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible.
她的镇定清醒令他吃惊,但却并未误使他认为她冷漠无情。 tingroom

I exalt man be-fore what crushes him, and my freedom, my revolt, and my passion come together then in that tension, that lucidity, and that vast repetition.
我称赞那些即将被压垮的人,我的自由、我的反抗以及我的激情也就在那紧张的态势与这份清醒和这种过分的重复融为了一体。 yeeyan

I measure prophets' value by their ability to doubt, the frequency of their moments of lucidity.
我通过先知怀疑的能力,他们清醒时刻的频率,来衡量他们的价值。 yeeyan

I need my lucidity.
我需要明晰锐利的头脑。 yeeyan

Isn't our very lucidity responsible for the madman's darkness?
难道不是我们的所谓“清醒”铸就了疯人的黑暗人生? yeeyan

It takes a lot of practice, and mostly involves immersing yourself into the culture of lucidity.
这需要很多的练习,而且几乎需要你沉浸于清醒文化中。 yeeyan

Metamorphosis, in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity.
当然,《变形记》进而代表了清醒的某种准则所具有的恐怖意象。 yeeyan

Now a new class of technologies is being designed to help users to regain their focus and enjoy more lucidity and concentration.
现在,有一门新技术被用来帮助用户重夺他们的注意力,并且更易懂更集中。 ecocn

Recently released reform measures including lucidity of policy, charge of television and specialization of channel also provide favorable conditions for separation of manufacture and broadcast.
当前,国家政策的明朗化,电视的收费化和频道的专业化等改革措施的推出,亦为制播分离提供了可行的条件。 cnki

She used lucidity to cure her nightmares.
她用清醒意识对付恶梦。 yeeyan

Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity.
只有实证和抒情之间的平衡才能使我们同时获得情感和清醒。 yeeyan

Though revolutionary autobiography of seventeen years is a narrative of hard revolution, it is full of optimism and lucidity, which played a positive role at the time.
十七年革命自传文学虽然记录艰苦的革命,却散发出强烈的乐观和明朗气氛,在当时发生过积极作用。 dictall

Lucidity can be used not only to look at your dreams but also to control dream plots.
在梦里你是清醒的,而且能够控制梦境的情节。 yeeyan




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