

单词 lucasfilm
释义 lucasfilm ˈluːkəsfəlm COCA¹⁰¹⁴⁵⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
It bought from Lucasfilm the licence for construction toys based on the“ Star Wars” films, and now makes dozens of complex Star Wars play sets see picture.
乐高曾经从卢卡斯影业买下了许可权,设计了“星球大战”电影题材的玩具,现在已经制作了许多复杂的星球大战系列的玩具如图。 ecocn

I especially loved LucasArts then called Lucasfilm games, such as the Indiana Jones and Monkey Island series.
我尤其喜欢卢卡斯艺术当时叫做卢卡斯电影游戏,如印第安那·琼斯和猴岛系列游戏。 ebigear

It's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort, as there have already been multiple special editions, revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS.
对卢卡斯电影来说,进行各方面的努力是一件好事情,比如说他们已经有了多样化的出版版本,修订版的视频版本和家庭影院及 DVD版。 cri

Now, Chau singles out the game company as the main source of growth for Lucasfilm.
现在,楚挑选的游戏公司 yiing成为了卢卡斯电影成长的最主要资源。 yeeyan

The suits were borrowed from the Lucasfilm Archives during the making of Episode I and slightly redressed to become Senator Yarua of Kashyyyk.
在拍《第一集》时,这些服装从卢卡斯影业档案室里被借了出来,加以少许改动,就变成卡西克议员亚鲁阿的服装。 starwarschina

This concept evolved as we began to discuss other characters that we felt, in discussion with Lucasfilm, could best represent the2010 Clone Wars brand look.
在我们开始与卢卡斯影业讨论其他可能最好地呈现2010年《克隆人战争》品牌外观的角色时,这个概念有了演变。 starwarsfans




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