

单词 lu
释义 lu AHDˈlü COCA²⁰⁶⁴⁷BNC⁵⁵⁷⁷⁵

a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; usually occurs in association with yttriumlu化镥=lute…
近义词 lutecium镥lutetium化镥
However, even though great achievements had been made, there are still a few outstanding problems, Lu said, citing the report.
吕秀莲在报告里说,虽然已经取得了很多成绩,但仍然有很多突出问题悬而未决。 yeeyan

In other words, to open a Fragment, you must open the LU to which it belongs.
换句话说,要打开一个片断,您就必须打开它所归属的逻辑单元。 ibm

Mr. Lu said that the Chinese people love peace, but China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity brook no infringement.
卢树民说,中国人民热爱和平,但中国的主权独立、领土完整和民族尊严不容侵犯。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The company is initially concentrating on biofilms that Lu says can corrode water pipes and block heat transfer in heating and cooling systems, decreasing energy efficiency by up to 80 percent.
公司最初专注于攻克生物膜问题,卢说这些生物膜可以侵蚀水管,阻断空调系统的冷热交换,减少80%的能源效率。 yeeyan

“ Sex is a taboo subject in China but people really need to have more access to information about it, ” Lu told the state newspaper China Daily.
“在中国性是一个禁忌的话题,但人们却很需要加强对于这方面信息的了解。”卢经理对国家报纸《中国日报》说。 yeeyan

“Its strategy is to invest massively in local infrastructure and urban expansion to attract coal bosses to buy local properties,” Lu said in a report after visiting Kangbashi last year.
卢在去年访问了康巴什,在一份报告中她写道,“康巴什的战略是大量投资于当地基础设施和城区扩展,以吸引煤老板在当地置业”。 yeeyan

“Its strategy is to invest massively in local infrastructure and urban expansion to attract coal bosses to buy local properties,” Lu said in a report after visiting Kangbashi last year.
卢在去年访问了康巴什,在一份报告中她写道,“康巴什的战略是大量投资于当地基础设施和城区扩展,以吸引煤老板在当地置业”。 yeeyan

But Lu stumbled across an enzyme produced by oral bacteria that can break up biofilms.
但是卢偶然间发现了一种口腔细菌产生的酶可以破坏生物膜。 yeeyan

But Lu stumbled across an enzyme produced by oral bacteria that can break up biofilms.
但是卢偶然间发现了一种口腔细菌产生的酶可以破坏生物膜。 yeeyan

Each LU has a root element, which is the top- most Package.
每一个 LU(逻辑单元都具有一个根结点元素,亦即最顶部的包。 ibm

I like reading Lu Xun.
我喜欢读鲁迅的作品。 hxen

In the current versions of the software, when you create, open, close, rename, delete, or combine“ UML models,” you are actually performing those actions on an LU.
在软件的当前版本中,当您创建、打开、关闭、重命名、删除、或者联合“ UML模型”的时候,您实际上是对逻辑单元执行那些操作。 ibm

Otherwise, just like a LU, a Fragment can contain an arbitrary subset of a logical model.
否则,就像逻辑单元一样,片断能够包含逻辑模型的一个子集。 ibm

Some people who watched the film share Lu's idea that “ maybe I cannot make myself love the Japanese troops, but I can try to understand them”.
一些看过该电影的人们有着和陆一样的想法:“也许我并不能喜欢上日本军队,但是我可以试着谅解他们。” iciba

Lu says his work is a commentary on the environmental consequences of China's rapid urbanization.
姚璐说,他的工作是对中国的快速城市化对环境造成后果的评论。 yeeyan

Lu, who is now an assistant professor at MIT, began researching how to destroy biofilms.
卢现在是麻省理工学院的助理教授,他开始研究如何才能破坏生物膜。 yeeyan

Lu, who is now an assistant professor at MIT, began researching how to destroy biofilms.
卢现在是麻省理工学院的助理教授,他开始研究如何才能破坏生物膜。 yeeyan

Lu suggested the government adjust the basic living allowance and food subsidies for university students every three months according to changes in the consumer price index.
卢建议政府每三个月都按造消费价格指数的变化调整大学生的基本生活补贴和伙食补助费。 yeeyan




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