

单词 LST
释义 LST 英ˌelesˈtiː美ˌɛlɛsˈtiAHDĕl'ĕs-tēʹ COCA⁹⁴⁸⁴⁷BNC⁷¹⁹⁸⁹
An algorithm was established to calculate the day-time LST in Guangxi.
找出了适用于计算广西白天 LST的算法。 cnki

How the results of model theory work as logical and inference tools by example- LST theorem is explained.
以 LST定理为例说明模型论成果作为逻辑性结论起推理工具作用的特点。 cnki

The applications of LST theorem to the non- standard analysis are discussed.
讨论 LST定理对非标准分析的应用。 dictall

The low stand system tracts LST, transgressive system tracts TST, high stand system tracts HST and shelf marginal system tracts SMST were well produced in the third order cyclic sequences.
三级旋回层序发育低水位体系域 LST、海进体系域 TST、高水位体系域 HST和陆架边缘体系域 SMST。 cnki

The new semester starts on September lst.
九月一号新学期开始。 www1.book678.com

The space- multiplexing technique mainly uses layered space- time coding LST technique.
空间复用技术主要采用空时分层码 LST技术。 fabiao

The thin plate elements, called MPSMembrane Plate Similarity elements, correspondent to the membrane CST, LST, Q4 and Q8 elements are given.
文中给出了对应于平面弹性膜单元 CST、 LST、 Q4、 Q8的薄板单元,我们称之为 MPS板单元。 iciba

The LST cell strain derived from villous adenoma displayed various atypical hyperplasia.
LST细胞株的组织来源为轻度不典型增生绒毛状腺瘤。 iciba

Acquisition of all-weather land surface temperature LST with high spatial resolution provides a precondition and groundwork to monitor and evaluate cold disaster continuously.
全天候获取高分辨率的陆面温度 LST是对寒冷灾害进行全天候监测、评估的前提和基础。 dictall

Because there is some difficulty in retrieving LST precisely, retrieving LST becomes one of hot study spots now.
因精确反演 LST具有一定的难度,因此反演 LST成为当今研究的热点之一。 cnki

Conclusion Endoscopic mucosa chromoscopy is effective in detecting LST. EMR or EPMR may be considered as a good treatment method for early colorectal cancer.
结论普通电子肠镜结合黏膜染色能够有效的发现大肠 LST病灶,联合镜下黏膜切除根除 LST病灶对早期大肠癌防治具有积极临床意义。 cnki

Conclusion Mucosa staining and magnifying endoscopy is very useful in detecting LST.
结论应用黏膜染色技术和放大内镜有助于 LST的诊断。 cnki

Conclusions— The most powerful histological predictor of stent thrombosis was endothelial coverage. The best morphometric predictor of LST was the ratio of uncovered to total stent struts.
结论:支架血栓最有力的组织学预测因素是内皮覆盖率, LST最好的形态学预测因素是未覆盖内皮部分占总支架支柱的比例。 www.med66.com

Finally, the possibility to establish a China- oriented modern management theory based on the association of LST and Chinese traditional culture is explored.
阐述生命系统理论与新型制造模式的联系,探讨利用我国传统文化同 LST相结合创立一套具有中国特色的现代化管理理论的可能性。 cnki

Finally, the land surface temperature LST of Shandong peninsula is retrieved using the split window algorithm.
最后运用劈窗算法反演山东半岛地区的地表温度 LST,结果比较合理。 cnki

It was an LST, and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars.
这是一艘几乎装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。 iciba

On April lst, 1990,160 people walked out of the best cinema in Chicago. What happened?
在1990年四月一日,160人走出芝加哥最好的电影院。发生了什么事情? bbs.24en.com

The new regulation shall take effect on June lst.
新章程六月一日起施行。 edugd

The LST product of MODIS was compared with the retrieval results by split- window algorithm proposed by authors.
同时对 MODIS地表温度产品与我们用 MODIS影像反演出来的结果对比分析表明作者提出的劈窗算法是可行的。 cnki

This paper discusses the basic concept of iterative learning control, and gives a proportional lst order input leading iterative learning control algorithm for linear dynamic delay system.
本文讨论了迭代学习控制的基本概念,并给出了一种可用于线性动态延迟系统的比例型一阶给定超前迭代学习控制算法。 cnki

You can find the output of the job in the same subdirectory as the job name with the.lst suffix.
您可以在与带有. lst后缀的作业名相同的子目录中发现作业的输出。 ibm




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