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词汇 LSM
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By themselves LSM modules can't log all requests or their results, because they won't see them all.
LSM模块本身不能记录所有请求或它们的结果,因为它们不能看到全部。 ibm

It's important to understand some of the LSM framework's other limitations, too.
理解 LSM框架的其他限制也是重要的。 ibm

The LSM framework is designed to support only access control, not other security issues such as auditing.
LSM框架设计只是用来支持访问控制,不是审计等其他安全问题。 ibm

The LSM framework was designed to be so flexible that it can implement many different kinds of security policies.
LSM框架设计得如此灵活,它可以实现很多不同种类的安全策略。 ibm

The LSM made a fundamental design decision that's worth understanding.
有必要理解 LSM所做的基本的设计决定。 ibm

The LSM provides a general-purpose framework for security that allows security models to be implemented as loadable kernel modules see Figure1.
LSM提供了一种通用的安全框架,允许将安全模型实现为可载入内核模块参见图1。 ibm

We added new auditing hooks into LSM framework, and with the analysis of85 system calls, we found290 inserting point of hooks in kernel.
在 LSM框架中新增了审计钩子,同时,在对内核85个系统调用进行分析的基础上,在内核中找出290个钩子插入点。 cnki

Also, due to concerns about performance, some proposed LSM hooks and data fields for networks were rejected for the mainline kernel.
还有,出于性能的考虑,有一些提议的用于网络的 LSM 异常分支和数据域没有被主线内核所采用。 ibm

Anode substrate, thin film YSZ electrolyte and LSM cathode were fabricated by dry- pressing process, spray- coating technique and slurry coating process, respectively.
其中阳极基底、 YSZ电解质薄膜和 LSM阴极分别采用干压成型方法、浆料喷覆工艺和浆料涂覆法制备。 cnki

Before we start, if you know little about the LSM, here is a quick review.
在开始之前,如果不太了解 LSM,现在可以快速浏览一下。 ibm

Compared with the secure auditing system of ANSHENG secure operating system V2.0, the LSM based auditing system has a better performance.
该安全审计系统与安胜安全操作系统 V2.0的审计系统相比,性能得到了很大的提高。 cnki

Conceptually, the LSM framework is very simple.
概念上讲, LSM框架特别简单。 ibm

In fact, several different projects worked together to make sure that the LSM framework is sufficient for real work.
实际上,一些不同的项目进行合作以确保 LSM框架足以胜任真正的工作。 ibm

In theory, if all LSM hooks were authoritative, the LSM framework would be more flexible.
理论上,如果所有 LSM异常分支都是可信的, LSM框架将会更加灵活。 ibm

In this study, we evaluated the ability of LSM to predict severe portal hypertension compared with that of HVPG in61 consecutive patients with HCV- related chronic liver disease.
该研究中,我们评估了 LSM对连续61名丙肝相关性慢性疾病患者预测重度门脉高压的效果,并将其与 HVPG进行比较。 med66

Ireland and Pennebaker are investigating whether LSM during everyday conversation can be used to predict the beginning and end of romantic relationships.
Ireland和 Pennebaker正在研究,日常谈话的语言风格匹配是否可用来预测浪漫关系的开始和结束。 yeeyan

Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of Lipid storage myopathy LSM.
目的探讨脂质沉积性肌病 LSM的临床和肌肉病理特点。 cnki

One reason is because the kernel might reject a request without even calling an LSM module; a problem if you wanted to audit the rejection.
一个原因是,内核可能没有调用 LSM模块就拒绝了请求;如果您想审计这个拒绝就会有问题。 ibm

Several different analysis tools have been used to make sure that the LSM framework didn't miss any important hooks for its purposes.
使用了一些不同的分析工具来确保 LSM框架不会遗漏其目标的任何重要异常分支。 ibm

So the LSM framework developers intentionally chose the restrictive approach, and most of its developers decided that they could work within the framework.
所以 LSM框架开发者有意选择了限制方法,而且它的大部分开发者自信他们可以在框架内工作。 ibm

Still, even with these limitations, the LSM framework can be very useful for adding limits to privileges.
尽管如此,即使有这些限制, LSM框架对给特权添加限制来说仍是非常实用。 ibm

These are unfortunate limitations, and not fundamental to the general idea; hopefully the LSM framework will be extended someday to eliminate these limitations.
这些都是不合适的限制,也不符合一般思想的基本原则; LSM框架有希望终有一天得到扩展以破除这些限制。 ibm

This paper introduced the basic principle of LSM and DSI and discussed the goals of having a distributed security module, architecture, features, performance, and implementation status.
介绍了 LSM和 DSI的实现原理,并在此基础上讨论了分布式安全模块的目标、体系结构、特点、性能以及实现状态。 cnki

This framework was named the Linux Security Modules LSM framework, and is now part of the standard Linux kernel as of kernel version2.6.
这个框架被命名为 Linux安全模块 LSM框架,现在是标准 Linux内核的一部分如2.6版本内核。 ibm

While such work is ongoing, and until more experience is gained with LSM- protected containers, you should not put all your trust in these mechanisms to protect against an untrusted root user.
尽管这些工作正在进行当中,在获得更多关于受 LSM保护的容器的经验之前,您不应该完全信赖这些机制来阻止不可信的根用户。 ibm

With the introduction of the LSM framework, new security modules will certainly become available.
随着 LSM框架的引入,新的安全模块将会出现。 ibm

LSM exhibits a high electronic conductivity and good stability, but it exhibits low oxide ion conductivity.
LSM具有较高的电子电导率和稳定性,但是它的氧离子电导率较低。 cnki

LSM was designed to provide the specific needs of everything needed to successfully implement a mandatory access control module, while imposing the fewest possible changes to the Linux kernel.
设计 LSM的目的是为成功实现强制访问控制模块提供一切必要元素,同时最小化对 Linux内核的更改。 ibm




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