

单词 LRV
释义 LRVCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺
=left renal vein 左肾静脉
Enlargement of collateral veins were often noticed when funnel-like LRV existed in normal person.
存在漏斗状左肾静脉时经常出现粗大侧支。 cnki

For the navigation of Lunar Exploration Rover or Lunar Rover Vehicle, LRV, localization is one of the most important problem.
定位技术是月面巡视探测器简称月球车导航与控制的一项关键技术。 dictall

The development of100% low floor light rail vehicle LRV was presented, and the structure type of representative LRVs was analyzed.
介绍了100%低地板轻轨车辆的发展,对几种具有代表性的车辆结构型式进行了分析。 dictall

Finally, a test system was applied for testing low- floor LRV traction system, and the results were analysed.
最后将搭建的系统用于测试低地板轻轨车牵引系统,给出试验结果。 fabiao

In this video, the first to be offloaded is LRV1129 and the second one is LRV1130.
在影片中,首先上岸的为轻铁1129号,其后的为轻铁1130号。 youtube2hd.com

This LRV will stop service at Siu Hong, all passenger please alight at that stop.
本班车以兆康为终点站,所有乘客请于该站离开本班列车,多谢合作。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 701. Next stop is Chestwood.
本班车为701线列车,下一站系翠湖。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 701. Next stop is Tin Wing.
本班车为701线列车,下一站系天荣。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 701. Next stop is Tin Yiu.
本班车为701线列车,下一站系天耀。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 751. Next stop is Tin Wing.
本班车为751线列车,下一站系天荣。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route505, next stop is On Ting.
本班为505线列车,下一站系安定。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route720 to Tin Wing.
本班为720线列车前往天荣。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route720, next stop is Affluence, zone2 for single-ride ticket.
本班为720线列车,下一站系泽丰,属单程车票第二收费区。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route720, next stop is Siu Hong.
本班为720线列车,下一站系兆康。 ushb.net

This LRV is on Route721 to Tin Wing.
本班为721线列车前往天荣。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route721, next stop is Tai Tong Road.
本班为721线列车,下一站系大棠道。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 505, next stop is Ching Chung.
本班为505线列车,下一站系青松。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 505, next stop is Kin On.
本班为505线列车,下一站系建安。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 505, next stop is Leung King.
本班为505线列车,下一站系良景。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 614, next stop is On Ting. The end of Zone2 for single-ride ticket.
本班为614线列车,下一站系安定,单程车票第二收费区终止。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 614, next stop is Goodview Garden.
本班为614线列车,下一站系丰景园。 ushb.net

This LRV is on route 614, next stop is Siu Hong.
本班为614线列车,下一站系兆康。 ushb.net

With the light rail vehicles LRV as the example, the specific application process of the multi-level optimization method is expounded.
以轻轨车辆为例,阐述了多级优化法的具体应用过程。 dictall

LRV fuel shall be diesel oil or a mixture containing up to 20% of biodiesel, with tank layout capable of ensuring a minimum autonomy of800eight hundred kilometers.
轻轨车燃料为柴油或含有20%生物柴油的混合油。油箱容量应确保列车运行800公里。 tdict

This LRV is on route721, next stop is Chestwood.
本班为721线列车,下一站系翠湖。 ushb.net




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