

单词 low-yield
释义 low-yield 英'ləʊj'iːld美'ləʊj'iːld COCA⁸⁸⁶⁷⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
On the other hand, Low-yield forest gives us a large number of forest resources and the multiple benefit.
另一方面还应看到低产林的巨大或潜在资源性和正在发挥的综合效益。 cnki

Prevent get low-yield cow in; purchase embryo instead of cows and employ embryo transfer to increase the individual output;
采用胚胎移植技术,提高小区牛群的个体产奶量:种养结合,建立与奶牛养殖业配套的饲草生产基地; cnki

The key techniques for improving of low-yield jujube trees in sandy soil regions are put forward in this paper, according to the low-yield reasons of adult jujube trees.
针对造成成龄枣树低产的原因,提供了沙土类型区枣树低产林改造的关键性技术:科学调控水肥、增加树体营养; cnki

The state of deterioration and low-yield has been worsened for years with ecological environment of forested hilly valley along lower-middle reaches of Yangtze River.
长江中下游低丘型流域森林生态环境长期处于低劣化和低产化局面。 cnki

By analysing of correlationship between wheat yield and ecoclimatic conditions, meteorological causes of low-yield wheat is studied.
本文从分析川东南小麦产量形成与气候生态条件的关系入手,对川东南小麦低产的气象成因进行了研究。 cnki

Low-yield bamboo forest,30 yuan per Mu to give one-off grants.
方竹低产林改造,按每亩30元给予一次性补助。 www.binv.org.cn




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