释义 |
low-quality coal 基本例句 劣质煤 It intuoduces the tech-economic effects about transforming chain furance to fluidizing bed,provides conditionsFor faulty coal use.介绍链条炉改成沸腾炉的技术经济效果,为改善链条炉操作性能,为劣质煤的推广应用,提供了完全可能实现的途径。 The procedure for reformation and the new spiral-tube type of air preheater used may be well observed by other thermal power plants where boilers are fired with low quality coals.改造采取的措施及采用新型的螺旋槽管空气预热器,可对燃用劣质煤的电站锅炉改造起到良好的借鉴作用。 |