

单词 Louie
释义 Louie ˈlu:i
No, says Mr Louie: “ Natives hate the Indian Act, but at the same time, do you trust government to replace it?” he asks. “ With what?”
路易酋长说,那可不,又反问道:「原住民当然厌恶《印第安法案》,但同时,你会信任政府取代这套法案的其他东西吗?」 yeeyan

The Jazz musician, Louie Bellson, described by Duke Ellington as the world’s greatest drummer, has died in Los Angeles at the age of84.
爵士音乐家,路易 Bellson,描述了艾灵顿公爵作为世界上最伟大的推销员,已在洛杉矶去世,享年八十四岁。 ebigear

After listening to Louie boast about his sexual escapades, Israel decides he has some catching up to do.
听了路易对他夸耀性出轨,以色列决定他有一些赶上的事。 qafone

AMD and its PR company found a professional monkey trainer who trained Louie the monkey for over a month, but actual production shooting only took a single day.
AMD找到了一位专业的训猴师,这位师傅对这支猴子进行了长达一个月的训练,不过视频的拍摄过程则只花了一天时间。 cnbeta.com

Among the156 obese adults in Louie's sample, 66% had underlying diseases known to complicate the flu, including chronic lung disease, heart disease and diabetes.
在 Louie的抽样中的156名肥胖成人中,66%的病人是由疾病并发流感,包括慢性肺病、心脏病和糖尿病。 yeeyan

Come on Louie, we've got work to do.
来吧,路易。我们有事做啦。 rtucn

I have been blessed by the presence of my friend Tammy Louie.
我感激身边有挚友塔米·路易陪伴。 blog.sina.com.cn

I mused that surely Louie could not want me that much anymore.
我老是在想,路易一定不可能像以前那么爱我了。 blog.sina.com.cn

I'm standing in front of Louie's Seaside Restaurant.
我站在路易斯海滨饭店门前。 hxen

Ms. Louie is an accomplished finance professional with years of experience.
路易女士是一位很有造诣的专业金融与多年的经验。 tianya

No, says Mr Louie: “ Natives hate the Indian Act, but at the same time, do you trust government to replace it?”
“不够”,路易先生说,“原住民们厌恶这个印地安法案,但与此同时,你能相信政府把它给换掉嘛?。 ecocn

Poor Huey, Dewey and Louie.
可怜的辉儿、杜儿和路几。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yet with all the focus in the media on the vulnerability of younger patients to infection, the elderly may have been somewhat dangerously overlooked, says Louie.
然而, Louie说,由于媒体主要关注年轻人易感染病毒,年龄大的可能被严重的忽视了。 yeeyan

Louie, we've got to find some small-time guys to throw to the wolves for murdering that cop. Otherwise, the cops will trace the killing right back to us.
路易,我们得在谋杀那个警察的事上找一些小喽罗来做牺牲品,否则,警察就要把这案件追根儿追到我们这儿来了。 chinafanyi.com

Louie bent down and put his hand into the fine- grained sand at his feet.
路易弯下腰,把一只手放入脚下面的细沙中。 tingroom

Louie could tell you lied if you said no junkie could kick it.
如果你说无法戒毒的话,路易会认为你撒谎。 iciba

Louie didn't want to say anything to influences my decision.
路易不想说任何影响我决定的话。 ebigear




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