

单词 lottery tickets
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Some 21,999 lottery tickets priced at just99 euros apiece are on sale.
此次共设立有21999张彩票,每张仅售99欧元,目前部分彩票已经开始出售。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The provinces in which the most lottery tickets are sold are Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong.
广东、江苏和山东位居彩票总销量三甲。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“ Lots of people buy lottery tickets in bulk to give away as prizes for contests,” he says.
他说,“很多人大批量地购买彩票来作为比赛的奖励。” yeeyan

A world lottery— Players in many parts of the world can already buy lottery tickets online. One possibility: a game available simultaneously in many countries.
世界性的博彩——现在世界各地的彩民们大部分可以在网上购买彩票,这使得创立一种新型的多国同时出售的彩票成为可能。 yeeyan

Before long, travel brochures, maps, menus, bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets, baseball cards, five lottery tickets showed up.
没过多久,旅行宣传册、地图、菜单、汽车贴纸、冰箱留言签磁贴、棒球卡、五张彩票接踵而至。 yeeyan

He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people.
他从残疾人手中买奖券。 iciba

Hundreds of millions of lottery tickets are sold every week.
每周都有成千上万的彩券售出。 ecocn

Many people use the lucky numbers inside the cookies to buy lottery tickets and win a big prize.
许多人使用幸运饼干里面的幸运数字来购买彩票并赢取大奖。 yeeyan

More than one American in five thinks that buying lottery tickets constitutes a sound retirement plan, according to a Tax Foundation study.
据税赋基金 Tax Foundation的调查结果,超过五分之一的美国人认为合理的退休计划应当包括购买彩票。 ecocn

On an individual level, it's possible to stop buying lottery tickets, move back to Minnesota, and, provided the news reaches you in time, have your tubes tied.
就个人来说,停止买彩票、移居回明尼苏达州是不可能的,假如信息及时地传达到了你那儿,你也不可能去把输卵管给结扎了。 yeeyan

Perhaps, the psychologists hypothesized, people who buy lottery tickets tend to be melancholy to begin with, and this had skewed the results.
心理学家假设道,也许买彩票的人在重新开始的时候会变得忧郁,而就是这种变化使得调查结果发生改变。 yeeyan

President Obama ordered Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to take what little money we have left and buy lottery tickets. I don't think that ever works.
奥巴马总统下令财政部长盖特纳把我们还剩下的那点钱都拿去买彩票,我想这绝不会管用。 yeeyan

The options were referred to as “ lottery tickets” at the time because of their low cost and high potential reward, but the move paid off when oil surged.
由于成本较低,且具有较高的潜在回报,这些期权曾被称作“彩票”,但在油价飙升后,此举带来了回报。 iciba

When the game was over the points were converted into lottery tickets for meals.
游戏结束时点数被换成膳食奖券。 ecocn

When someone gave me lottery tickets as a gift, I got nervous because I was worried I might win.
当有人送我彩票时,我变得紧张因为我不知道自己能否成功。 yeeyan

While in flames, he grabbed a roll of lottery tickets and fled.
但是在火光中,他还是抓住了一卷彩票然后逃走了。 hjenglish

Why did everybody buy lottery tickets?
为什么大家都买彩票? yeeyan

Why we're inclined to treat stocks as if they were lottery tickets instead of ownership in an actual company?
为什么我们宁肯把股票当彩票,而不是当它是对某公司的拥有权? yeeyan




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