

单词 applicants
释义 applicants ˈæplikənts COCA⁹⁶⁹⁶BNC⁵⁴⁸²Economist⁵⁰⁷⁶
n.申请人;求职人applicant的名词复数原型applicant的复数 The number of applicants has swollen to more than 200.

“ Some applicants will sell themselves on these certificates even if they have no real foundation and experiences in certain fields,” Sun said.
一些求职者并没有某个领域的实际经验和基础,但是他们还是会利用证书来吹捧自己的能力。 putclub

For applicants, the question becomes how to distinguish between legitimate consultants and those who help too much.
对于申请者来说,问题变成了如何去区分合法顾问和那些帮忙太多的人。 yeeyan

If applicants do not meet these requirements they will not be admitted to graduate school, even if they had excellent undergraduate grades, an impressive resume and stellar recommendations.
如果申请者无法达到这个要求,就不会被录取。就算他们拥有优异的大学成绩,丰富的个人履历,还有极富分量的推荐信。 yeeyan

If applicants have certifications, it shows that they have some level of skill and knowledge needed to perform the job.
如果应聘者拥有认证,则表明他们拥有执行该工作所需的一定的技能和知识水平。 ibm

Only one in eight applicants makes the cut.
只有八分之一的申请人做出削减。 yeeyan

Persistent applicants can seek the help of lawyers.
固执的申请人可以寻求律师的帮助。 ecocn

Scott is applying for a blogging job to be a happiness blogger and while there are other worthy applicants I would love to see him get it.
斯科特正在申请一个写博客的工作,从为一个幸福的博客人,然而又另外几个杰出的申请人,我肯定是希望他能得到。 yeeyan

She says applicants say they are attracted to the exposure to emerging markets and potential jobs they get access to by studying in Singapore.
她说,申请者表示,他们通过在新加坡学习而接触到新兴市场并可能获得工作,是吸引他们的原因。 ecocn

Students from India, China and eastern Europe have swelled the ranks of applicants.
来自印度、中国和东欧国家的学生扩大了申请者的规模。 ecocn

The dean turned away two applicants this morning.

They question the ethics of intense recruitment by colleges that reject the overwhelming majority of applicants.
他们质疑那些拒绝按院校的申请人绝大多数招聘激烈的伦理。 yeeyan

This can only mean that in a year when more people are applying to business school, admissions will be more competitive and a smaller percentage of applicants will get in.
这就意味着在未来的一年里,当越来越多的人申请商学院时,竞争将更为激烈,只有很少比例的申请人将获得入学机会。 yeeyan

While most applicants are honest, there are some who will stretch the truth, or, in some cases, lie outright in order to get a job.
尽管大部分的求职者是诚实的,但是还是存在一些不诚实的人。或者有时候他们说谎只是为了获得工作。 yeeyan




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