

单词 lost power
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The main opposition Telugu Desam Party lost power in2004 partly because it was seen as in thrall to the IT industry and foreign investors.
反对大党泰卢固之乡党在2004年下台的部分原因就是选民认为其对 IT产业巨头和外国投资商献媚。 ecocn

Price rises were partly blamed for electoral setbacks for his Congress party, which leads the national coalition government, and lost power a day earlier in two state elections.
价格上涨的矛头部分指向领导国家联合政府的国大党在选举中受挫,使其在前天两个州的选举中失利。 ecocn

Some observers believe Boko Haram has established links with disgruntled politicians, some of whom recently lost power.
有观察者认为该组织与一些近来失势的不满政客建立了联系。 ecocn

The BBC reports that 66 percent of Zhouqu county lost power and many survivors are now living in tents, pitched precariously on unstable slopes.
英国广播公司报道,66%的舟曲县民无能为力,许多幸存者现在都住在摇摇欲坠的不稳定斜坡上的帐篷里。 yeeyan

Xinhua reported Saturday that the first train lost power when it was hit by lightning, and national television broadcasts emphasized pictures of lightning storms in the area.
据新华社周六的报道,第一辆列车遭到雷击后停电,国家电视广播还强调了事发地区雷雨的图片。 ecocn




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