

单词 lose sleep
释义 lose sleep lu:zsli:p 研短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
Americans today don't lose sleep over the fact that Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
今天美国民众不会对于林肯总统暂停进行人身保护做法的事实视而不见。 blog.sina.com.cn

Audrey had a client who claimed that a pressing problem at work was causing her to lose sleep and become anxious.
奥黛丽遇到这样一位客户,她提出一个工作上和紧迫的问题让她睡不着觉,最终导致焦虑。 yeeyan

Don't lose sleep over it.
别因为这事儿睡不着觉。 hrsalon

Grossman said that while this is not something to lose sleep over, people should know where their information is going.
格罗斯曼说,这虽然不是什么需要过分担心的事,但是人们应该知道他们的信息去了哪里。 yeeyan

If the corporate customer is better served via the capital markets, we're not going to lose sleep because the loan is not in our balance sheet.
如果通过资本市场,能更好地服务于企业客户,我们就不会因为资产负债表上没有贷款而失眠了。 yeeyan

Most Americans lose sleep over money and even get a divorce.
很多美国人为钱而失眠,甚至离婚。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep.
我邻居让我根本睡不着觉。 hexun

Problems can build up and you may lose sleep, find you can't concentrate on homework, or even become depressed.
一旦出现问题,你可能会失眠,发现自己不能专注于作业,更甚至于变得抑郁。 yeeyan

Readers, do you see more behavioral problems in your children when they lose sleep?
读者们,你的孩子睡眠不足时是否有更多的行为问题? blog.sina.com.cn

Those with the healthiest habits were the least likely to lose sleep over their jobs and least likely to miss personal or family activities due to work.
那些生活习惯最健康的人最不容易因工作失眠,也最不会因工作而错过个人或家庭活动。 ebigear

When people lose sleep, their concentration drops and they suffer memory lapses.
当人们睡眠不足时,会出现注意力下降、记忆力减退以及思维僵化。 yeeyan

Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out.
你为何失眠与愤怒?事情总是发生了。 shoukang




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