释义 |
lorynCOCA²¹⁴²⁸⁴ 基本例句 🌏罗琳 An Indian colleague at Vidya tells Loryn that children see beyond the skin to the real beauty, which is a reflection of her good heart. 一个维迪亚的印度同事告诉洛恩,孩子们能够看到外表底下的内在美,而这正是她心地善良的一种回报。4oa Beginning at nine thirty, for the first half- hour, Loryn works with Puja and Nitu. 从九点半开始,开始的一个小时里,洛恩帮助皮加和尼图补习。4oa Ever since she was six years old, Loryn has yearned to visit India. 从六岁开始,洛恩就向往游览印度。4oa If the children could have their way, there would be no respite for Loryn, since every child seems to want to be tutored by this green-eyed blonde. 如果孩子们都能如愿以偿得到辅导,洛恩就没有稍事的休息了,因为每个孩子都好像很想得到这位碧眼金发的女孩的辅导。4oa It is pretty exhausting to work almost continuously till midday when there is a break and mercifully, Loryn has the option to go home or resume work at three in the afternoon. 连续工作到中午休息时,已经是相当疲累了,顺利的话,洛恩可以选择回家,或者下午三点继续工作。4oa Now it is Loryn's assignment to help them catch up with their class. 现在洛恩的任务就是帮她们追上班上同学。4oa |