

单词 lorraine
释义 Lor·raine 英lɔːˈreɪn, ləʊ-, ləʊˈren美lɔˈren, lo-, loˈrɛnAHDlô-rānʹ, lō-, lō-rĕnʹ 高COCA¹⁷⁰⁸⁷BNC¹⁵⁶⁰⁶
n²⁸.洛伦女子名Lorraine n.;洛林地区⁷²=Lothringen.

an eastern French region rich in iron-ore deposits近义词 Lothringen=Lorraine

Christie’s top lot, an atmospheric landscape by Claude Lorraine, went for $326,500, which hovers near its low estimate.
佳士得的拍品占了大部分,克劳德·洛兰的一幅大气景观的素描拍出326500美元,接近其较低估价。 ecocn

Ever since1804, laments Lorraine Mangones of FOKAL, a local NGO, Haiti has been unable to overcome its history and create a modern state.
“1804年以始,海地就无法超越历史,创造一个现代国家。”当地的一家非政府组织感叹道。 ecocn

The French army was humiliated by the loss of Alsace- Lorraine, then shaken by the Paris Commune uprising.
法国军队因失掉阿尔萨斯-洛林地区遭到羞辱,接着又因巴黎公社起义受到动摇。 ecocn

Lorraine Adams, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter turned novelist, quit journalism and began writing fiction so that she could tell more nuanced stories.
罗瑞妮·亚当斯,这位普利策奖得主转而成了一个小说家,停止新闻工作开始写小说,让她得以讲述更多微妙的故事。 yeeyan

A commonly used Eastern Orthodox variant of the cross of Lorraine has an additional crossbar diagonally placed near the base.
一个常用的东正教的变种,两岸的洛林拥有一个额外的对角交叉放在附近的基地。 ordinaryslut

After a fight with Theresa, Lorraine goes to a party on her own.
经过打击特丽萨,洛林都到了她自己的党。 lwdx123.com

An order has come from Berlin that no language but German may be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
柏林已下令,阿尔萨斯和洛林的学校只准教德语。 ebigear

Ann, Bill, and Lorraine Gorman live next door to me.
安,条例草案,和洛林戈曼住在我隔壁。 zhuoyuebbs

At“The Hale House, ” there would be about100 children there a week. Lorraine, her daughter, would help take care of the children along with many other staff members.
在黑尔之家,大概每个星期有100个孩子,她的女儿洛林会和工作人员一起照顾这些孩子。 yeeyan

Even though she passed away, her daughter, Lorraine, carried on her dream.
尽管她已经不在了,她的女儿,洛克正在继续她的梦想。 yeeyan

Glen and Lorraine just celebrated their diamond anniversary.
格伦和洛兰刚刚庆祝了他们的钻石婚纪念日。 iciba

Got them, Lorraine!
找到他们了,洛林! engxue

In the case of the Lorraine zoo, the thieves broke through the outer perimeter at night and virtually demolished the flamingo house to get at the birds.
从洛林动物园的情况来看,盗贼们在夜里从园外破墙而入,然后将鸟舍彻底捣毁,最后携鸟而去。 edu.sina.com.cn

Ms. Adams: Once you say, “ I'm Lorraine Adams at the Washington Post, ” it changes everything.
罗瑞妮·亚当斯:只要你说“我是华盛顿邮报的罗瑞妮·亚当斯”所有事就都改变了。 yeeyan

Peace was signed at Frankfort surrendering the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the Germans.
和平协议在法兰克福签署,阿尔萨斯和洛林拱手让给德国。 iciba

She makes Quiche Lorraine, plays chess, and like me she loves to ski.
她会做法式咸味蛋糕,还会下国际象棋,而且和我一样喜爱滑雪。 yeeyan

We welcomed Laurel and Lorraine to the team.
我们欢迎劳雷尔和洛林的团队。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lorraine is hurt by the judgmental responses of her neighbors.
洛林受伤的判断反应的邻居。 lwdx123.com

Lorraine and Theresa are the only lesbian residents of Brewster Place.
洛林和特丽萨是唯一的女同志居民布鲁斯特广场。 lwdx123.com

Lorraine gains confidence from her burgeoning relationship with Ben.
洛林收益从她的信任与本蓬勃发展。 lwdx123.com

Lorraine is physically fit, and George has become a self-confident and successful science fiction author.
洛莲变得十分苗条,而乔治则更加自信,并且成为了一名成功的科幻小说作家。 www.china.org.cn




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