

单词 lopping
释义 lop·ping 英'lɒpɪŋ美'lɒpɪŋ COCA⁷⁸⁵⁰¹BNC⁶⁵⁵⁹⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
The weak dollar also hurt Airbus, lopping$1.1 billion off its revenuesaircraft are traded in the currency.
疲软的美元也对空客造成损失,使其收入缩水了11亿美元空客用美元做贸易结算。 ecocn

As penance the bank will have to pay the government an extra fee of€1.3 billion for the “ insurance” of these assets, as well as lopping off large parts of its business.
作为赎罪的表现,该公司将不得不向政府支付13亿英镑的额外费用以作为对这些资产的“担保”,并砍掉旗下大部分业务。 ecocn

I accepted his apology instead of lopping off his head, and he redoubled his efforts at perfecting our service, going above and beyond.
我没有拧下他的脑袋,而是接受了他的道歉。而他则加倍努力超标准地、出色地完成了任务。 yeeyan

if it is no, then they can experiment with more nuanced responses, such a lopping off a tainted product or sacrificing a rogue division.
如果答案是否定的,那么他们可细微的调整对策,见机行事,如砍掉某个有影响力的商品,或牺牲这个八卦的部门。 ecocn

It has asserted its authority in some border towns by lopping off limbs or even the heads of men they accuse of fighting against them.
它通过砍掉与他们战斗的人的头和四肢声称在一些边境城镇的权力。 ecocn

Zimbabwe's central bank revalued its dollar again, lopping12 zeros off its battered currency to try to tame hyperinflation Monday.
津巴布韦中央银行2日决定,为控制恶性通货膨胀,将在津元巨额钞票面值后去掉12个零也就是现在的1万亿钞票将等于1元。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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