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Lop Nor 基本例句 罗布泊湖 Lop Norhas been always a myth to the ordinary people.The big five enigmas of extinction, vagrancy, terrain features, “the big ear”, and Loulan have not got scientific explanations yet.罗布泊在世人眼中始终是个奇迹,它的干涸之谜、游移之谜、地貌之谜、“大耳朵”之谜和楼兰之谜等五大谜团,仍然用科学无法破题。 Lop Norin 1958, but in the eastern found it, killing all the crew, it is puzzling is that the plane was originally flying northwest, why the sudden change in route flying due south?1958年却在罗布泊东部发现了它,机上人员全部死亡,令人不解的是,飞机本来是西北方向飞行,为什么突然改变航线飞向正南? The Research on the Homogenous Temperatures of Inclusions in Halite from the Isothermal Evaporation of Brine and Natural Halite fromLop NorPlaya, Xinjiang, China罗布泊卤水室内蒸发及天然石盐包裹体均一温度分析探讨 |