

单词 lope
释义 lope 英ləʊp美lopAHDlōp ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝TCOCA²⁸⁰⁶⁶BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁴²⁹¹⁵

a slow pace of runninga smooth three-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop
run easily词源同leap,跑,跳,该词主要见于elope,跑掉,私奔。lop-ears耷拉耳,垂耳兔lop,低垂,ear,耳朵。用于指垂耳兔。 leap来自古英语lepen,跳,词源同elope, gallop。可能进一步来自原始印欧语*klei,弯,转,倾斜,词源同lean, incline。引申词义弹跳的姿势,跳跃。 elopee-,向外,-lop,跑,词源同leap,跑,跳。即跑走,跑掉。 lop来自中古英语loppe,修剪树枝,可能来自原始印欧语*skel,砍,切,词源同scale, scissor。可能来自lap变体,衣摆,下垂。 lop来自中古英语loppe,修剪树枝,可能来自原始印欧语*skel,砍,切,词源同scale, scissor。可能来自lap变体,衣摆,下垂。 ear耳朵。来自原始印欧语*ous,耳朵。来自原始印欧语*au,感知,词源同auricle, audit, aesthete。hanger lope吊缆
GRE红宝书先记住elopev 私奔: e出, lope读: 落魄-一出去就落魄了, 所以不要私奔, 再记住lope有走的意思, 所以lope是慢跑.
音:路跑,路坡,楼坡,路上楼上的斜坡要慢跑;slope 在斜坡上慢跑;slow + 音:跑;leap跳;
GRE难词记忆lope→elope v.私奔→私奔的人迈着大步走在自由的大道上GRE难词记忆lope→pole n.极点→没人能在地球的两极迈着大步走elopev.私奔⇒私奔的人迈着大步走在自由的大道上注意不要和loben.耳垂相混近义词 run跑jog慢跑race赛跑trot疾走gallop疾驰hasten催促bound必定的sprint全力奔跑canter使马慢跑

The tigerlopedoff into the jungle.那老虎跑进丛林中去了。verb.stride
同义词 gallop,trotbound,canter,run
canterverb jog
gallopverb bolt, race with slight jumping motion
amble,canter,career,course,dart,dash,fly,hasten,hurdle,hurry,jump,leap,lope,pace,rack,run,rush,shoot,speed,spring,sprint,stride,tear along,trot,zoom
hopnoun jump on one leg
hopverb jump on one leg
hoppedverb jump on one leg
jogverb run for recreation
amble,canter,dash,dogtrot,lope,pace,sprint,trot Instead of stopping at the end of the lope, I decided to see if I could just jog to the end of the street.
我决定不在斜坡尽头停下来,看看能否继续慢跑至街的尽头。 m.sina.com.cn

The incidence of prenatal death, small for gestational age infants and newborn complications in EOPE group were higher than those in LOPE group P0.05.
早发型组围产儿死亡率、小于胎龄儿发生率和新生儿并发症发生率均高于晚发型组 P0.05; cnki

The incidence of heart failure in LOPE group was higher than that in EOPE group P0.05.
晚发型组心衰发生率高于早发型组 P0.05; cnki

Hugo would lope along the Concourse with his daughter on his back—the entire boulevard her domain.
雨果会驮着自己的女儿在大广场街上跑来跑去,整条街都是她的领地。 yeeyan

If you scaled a five-year-old up to be six- and-a-half feet tall, the giant child would lope along just like a similarly sized adult.
如果你将一个5岁的小孩按比例拉到六尺半那么高,这个巨大的小孩跑起来跟一个等尺寸的成年人也差不多。 hjenglish

Most Australians do not want to develop all their land in the lope of keeping the large area of the land in its original state.
大多数澳大利亚人不愿开发他们所有的土地,他们想让很多的国土保持原样。 engbus

Results The incidence of liver function damage was the highest among all the complications of preeclampsia77.8. % in EOPE group and 64% in LOPE group.
结果子痫前期并发症以肝功能受损发生率最高,早发型组为77.8。%、晚发型组64%; cnki

Then it moved on, patrolling the water's edge for salmon with that deceptively easy lope that disguises the species' immense strength.
然后它沿着湖边行走寻找水中的鲑鱼,用一种欺骗性的轻松步履来掩盖它巨大的力量。 yeeyan

Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider?
为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同? macaiboss




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