

单词 looted
释义 loot·ed 英luːt美luːt 高COCA³⁴⁶⁵³BNC³³⁷⁵⁴iWeb⁴²¹¹⁶Economist¹¹⁴⁰¹

goods taken from an enemy in war or stolen by thieves

vt. & vi. 抢劫,掠夺

carry off loot;take sth as loot;take loot from sth

goods or money obtained illegallyinformal terms for money
take illegally; of intellectual property;

This writer plundered from famous authors

steal goods; take as spoils;

During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

loot, burglarize, deprive, plunder, rifle, rob

这组词都有“剥夺”“抢夺”的意思。其区别在于:rob指用公然恐吓、暴力或哄骗等非法手段剥夺他人的财物或名誉、地位、权利等; burglarize指夜间潜入某处偷盗,但不一定达到目的; deprive的对象可以是“权利”“资格”等抽象的东西,但不可接表示场所的名词; loot指不顾法律或道德、不顾死活或见利忘义地抢劫,暗示应受到谴责; rifle指闯入房间或某地搜劫,可以是抢劫一空,也可暗示搜寻某物; plunder指大规模或大范围地掠夺。

近义词 dosh钱rob抢劫sack袋子spoils赃dinero钱pelf钱财money财产rifle步枪strip剥去prize奖品reave抢夺foray突袭shekels钱scratch抓bread面包pirate海盗prey牺牲者plunder掠夺pillage掠夺booty战利品dough生面团do over重做despoil夺取raid突然袭击velvet天鹅绒boodle贿赂金wealthU财富cabbage卷心菜simoleons美元sugar糖,食糖burgle入室偷窃wampum贝壳念珠gelt阉割删去ransack彻底搜索swag赃物cash现金kale植羽衣甘蓝…burglarize入室盗窃dirty money非法钱财moolahmoola的异体字…lolly 棒棒糖…lettuce莴苣lucre钱财尤指不义之财…clams动词clam的第三人称单…
用作名词n.It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town.这就是士兵们从被占领的城镇掠夺来的所有东西。用作动词v.
S+~+ADiscipline quickly broke down after the city fell, and the invading soldiers were found to be looting and sometimes killing.城市沦陷之后,军纪混乱,入侵士兵四处抢夺掠杀。
S+ ~+n./pron.The mob looted many shops in the area.暴徒在该地抢劫了许多商店。
The band was looted yesterday.这家银行昨天遭到了抢劫。
用作名词I sneaked alootat the plans on her desk.我偷偷地看了一眼她书桌上的计划。
During the riot there are ten cases oflootand two cases of arsons.在暴乱中有10起抢劫案和两起纵火案。
The thieves divides thelootinto equal shares.窃贼们把赃物均分成若干份。
The thieves were caught with theirlootby the police.警察抓获了小偷及其赃物。用作动词The Japanese soldierslootedand massacred for three days in Nanjing.日本兵在南京掠夺屠杀了三天。
The moblootedmany shops in the area.暴徒在该地抢劫了许多商店。verb.steal goods
同义词 burglarize,grab,gut,pillage,plunder,raid,ransack,rob,snatchappropriate,boost,despoil,liberate,lift,loft,make,ravage,relieve,requisition,rifle,sack,salvage,snitch,swipe,take,thievemoonlight requisition,rip off,smash and grab,stick up,tip over
反义词 give,protect,receive,demote,disallow,discourage,fail,halt,harm,hurt,injure,keep,lose,prevent,refuse,reject,stop The economic recovery after the genocide, when Hutu militias looted the country before fleeing into Congo, had been remarkable, if largely funded by the diaspora and by foreign aid.
种族屠杀中胡图族民兵在逃到刚果之前洗劫了这个国家,之后的经济恢复,主要由异国流亡者和外国援助出资,成果非凡。 ecocn

The violence is steadily escalating: smashed windows and looted stores have led to the arson of vehicles and buildings and mass confrontations with riot police.
暴力事件正在逐步升级:砸坏的玻璃和洗劫的商店激发了对车辆和建筑物的纵火行为并导致了与防暴警察的大规模对抗。 yeeyan

One notorious case of wartime theft occurred in American- occupied Iraq, when mobs looted Baghdad’s museum and Donald Rumsfeld, then defence secretary, was criticised for his lack of concern.
美国占领伊拉克期间,曾发生过一件臭名昭著的偷窃事件——一群暴徒洗劫了巴格达博物馆。 为此,时任国防部长的拉姆斯菲尔德饱受批评。 ecocn




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