

单词 looks out
释义 looks out短语³¹⁵⁴⁸
One of Justin Savidis's dogs looks out from a hole of his box.
贾斯丁•萨维迪斯的一只雪橇狗透过装它的箱子上的一个洞向外张望。 yeeyan

Shanxi, China: A passenger looks out of the window from a train before it sets off at a railway station in Taiyuan.
太原火车站,一名乘客从一列即将发动的火车内朝外探望。 putclub

The phone rings, saving Michael momentarily. He gets up and looks out the window at a telephone wire that runs from the infirmary roof to the prison wall.
电话响了起来,给他少许时间缓和自己的紧张,他站起身来,注视着一条连接医务室屋顶和监狱外墙的电话线。 yeeyan

A small- scale prototype of a smart home system that looks out for the health of its inhabitants.
一个小尺寸的智能房屋模型,这种智能房屋可以检测居住者的健康情况。 yeeyan

Bushra Naji looks out the window of her office building, in midtown.
布莎娜·纳吉从市中心办公大楼的窗户朝外望去。 yeeyan

Encourage your cat to climb by putting a table in front of a window that looks out to a bird feeder or some alluring sight.
在窗户前面一张桌子,鼓励你的猫去爬,让他看到窗外有一个喂鸟器或者迷人的视觉。 yeeyan

His eighth-floor balcony looks out toward the tumult of Neihu, one of the nerve centers of Taiwan's high-tech miracle.
在第八层的阳台上,可以望得见内湖的涟波,这里是台湾高科技产业奇迹的枢纽。 yeeyan

Legend has it that the female bird looks out to sea, to search for returning sailors; the male looks back towards Liverpool, to see if the pubs are open.
传说雌鸟望向大海,寻找返航的水手,而雄鸟则回望利物浦,看看酒吧是否营业。 yeeyan

The toilet looks out on the courtyard; it's at the end of a narrow corridor, a cave almost, its walls damp and green and mouldy: maybe stalactites will form.
盥洗室在庭院里很显眼,位于狭窄走廊的尽头,像一个洞穴,墙壁潮湿且布满青苔,也许会形成钟乳石。 yeeyan

The office of Duke Peter of Oldenburg looks out over the sea.
从奥尔登堡彼得公爵办公室看海。 yeeyan

WHO looks out for the public health security of the world.
世卫组织留心注意世界的公共卫生安全。 who




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