

单词 looks down on
释义 looks down on短语⁴⁹⁷⁰⁶
A light- mantled sooty albatross looks down on Gold Harbour in South Georgia, a remote British outpost in the far South Atlantic.
一只周身乌黑的信天翁俯瞰着金港——位于遥远的南大西洋而远离本土的英国哨站。 ngpod

“ The community usually looks down on less privileged people, ” he said.
他说:“这个社会通常瞧不起没有特权的人。” ecocn

An arrogant person looks down on others.
傲慢的人看不起其它人。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn

Complaining motherland facing foreigners, admire the moon in the united state- Why Japanese looks down on us only because we do!
在面临外国人时抱怨我们的国家,总觉得外国的月亮比我们的园-为什么日本人看不起我们只因为我们看不起自己! rg-gd

He secretly looks down on more excitable nations. and likes to think of himself as more reliable than they are.
他打心底里看不起那些很容易激动的民族,并认为自己比那些人可靠。 blog.sina.com.cn

He looks down on the painter.
他看不起这位画家。 iciba

I don't like the way Trevor always looks down on the efforts of the younger members of the club.
我看不惯特雷弗老是轻视俱乐部其他年轻成员的成绩。 hotdic

If one looks down on his job, and did it very clumsily, then he won't respect himself.

In such a society, everyone can hope to come top of his particular monkey troop, even as the people he looks down on count themselves top of a subtly different troop.
在这样的社会中,每个人都能指望着从他们那帮人中脱颖而出,即使是他瞧不起的那些人也认为自己能够在一个细分的群体中出类拔萃。 ecocn

John Gardener has said that a society which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for trouble.
约翰加德纳曾经说过,如果一个社会赞扬哲学家而蔑视管道工,那么它将陷入困境。 chinaacc

Many people think him conceited and looks down on him secretly.
很多人都认为他自负,暗地里瞧不起他。 iciba

Sally is not popular because she looks down on most of her classmates.
萨利因看不起班上的多数同学而不受欢迎。 edu.sina.com.cn

She shouldn't have married him as she looks down on him.
她看不起他,当初就不该嫁给他。 englishppt

She looks down on people who've never been to university.
她瞧不起没上过大学的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

The school looks down on such behavior.
这所学校不赞成这种行为。 chinafanyi.com

Wang Ping: Secondly, he looks down on other people.
王平:其次,是看不起别人。 hotdic




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