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词汇 Long season
释义 Long season
Birds withdraw their thin wings,hurry back to their warm nest,where they will spend along seasonof snow in happiness .鸟们收起薄薄的羽翅,赶回了温暖的巢,它们将在爱情中,幸福度过一个漫长的雪季。
“Before the coaches all tell me, they say, 'We havelong seasonand you never know when you're going to be on the court.“在这之前,教练一直都在告诉我,他们说”我们有一个漫长的赛季,你永远不知道你什么时候会上场。
Bryant insists he's feeling spry as ever at age 30, but it remains to be seen how thelong seasonaffects him down the stretch next spring.科比强调说,即使是在30岁,他感觉还是很有活力,但是悠长的赛季是否会影响到他,还要等到明年春天才能揭晓。
Synopsis: Petrie's moves have all been solid as he goes about rebuilding, but it's probably going to be anotherlong seasonin Sac Town.综述:皮特里的举措围绕重建展开的很好,但是在萨克拉门托恐怕就将是一个悠长的赛季。
I have never seen a striker scuff so many shots in one game.Looked exhausted at the end - could thelong seasonhave taken its toll?我从来没有看到过一个前锋在一场比赛中赢得这么多射门的机会,比赛到最后看起来有点疲倦,也许是漫长的赛季让他付出了代价?
Indeterminate type, mid-early matured variety, 10-15g/fruit, bright red color, excellent flavor, brix 8-10%, suitable forlong seasongrowth under protected cultivation.无限生长,中早熟,果实圆形,单果重10-15克,成熟果色泽红亮,果味酸甜浓郁、口感极好,适宜保护地长季节栽培。




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