

单词 appeases
释义 ap·pease·s 英ə'piːz美ə'piːz COCA¹⁵³⁷²⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
vt. 使平息; 使满足

make calm or satisfy

cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

overcome or allay;

quell my hunger

make peace with
用作动词 v.
~+名词appease sb's anger平息某人的怒气appease sb's hunger使某人充饥appease thirst解渴
近义词 pacifysoothe反义词 angeraggravateexasperate
S+~+ n./pron.He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.他试图给那个啼哭的孩子糖果使他不哭。
Water appeases thirst.水能解渴。
The boy appeased his father and went back home.男孩听了父亲的话回家去了。
Her stomach is appeased.她的肚子饱了。


appease只用作及物动词,后可接名词或代词作宾语; appease可用于被动结构。

用作动词Chamberlain tried toappeaseHitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。
His attempts toappeaseher only added fuel to the fire.他试着安抚她,结果却造成火上加油的局面。
State governments are left scrabbling toappeaseruraldisgruntlement rather than investing in efforts to lift theproductivity of land and labour.政府花钱努力来提高农民和工人的生产力还不如想办法缓和农民的不满。
Many in the New Republic began to turn against the Jedi in an effort toappeasethe Yuuzhan Vong and blunt their destructive incursions.新共和国的许多人开始反对绝地,他们对遇战疯人实施绥靖政策,试图以此缓和遇战疯人毁灭性的入侵行动。
It can be equally rash to lie down and try toappeaseit.但立刻躺下与试图平息灰熊的怒火也同样是轻率之举。
It is a blunder for them to try toappeasethe aggressor.他们想姑息侵略者,那是一个大错。
State-run media in Egypt said Mr. Bush aims to do nothing butappeaseIsrael.埃及官方媒体说,除了姑息以色列外,布什没有其他目的。verb.satisfy, pacify
同义词 allay,alleviate,assuage,blunt,calm,lessen,mitigate,mollify,placate,quell,soften,soothecompose,conciliate,content,diminish,do,ease,gratify,lull,propitiate,quench,quiet,serve,subdue,sweeten,tranquilizebe enough,make matters up,meet halfway,patch things up
反义词 aggravate,agitate,incite,increase,intensify,irritate,provoke,trouble,upset,worry,worsen,anger,annoy,arouse,destroy,displease,disturb,excite,starttease About 6PM, did day live people in outside to get the home, entire family added together the hot food dish, the bread, the cakes and pastries by pot hot tea, or the fruit dessert appeases hunger.
下午六点钟左右,在外干了一天活的人们回到家,全家就以一壶热茶加一道热菜、面包、糕饼、或者水果点心来充饥。 yynet

His political inertia disarms and appeases Jiang and his loyalists.
他的政治惰性让江及其亲信放松警惕。 yeeyan




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