

单词 Longchamp
释义 Longchamp
In 1907, he made a photograph of two ladies in dazzling white dresses getting into a carriage at the Longchamp racetrack— an early signal that he had an instinct for couture.
1907年,他拍摄的一张照片中显示着两个身着炽白色长裙的女士在朗香跑道上上马车的场景,这可以说是他生来就有服装设计天分的早期征兆。 yeeyan

In 1907, he made a photograph of two ladies in dazzling white dresses getting into a carriage at the Longchamp racetrack— an early signal that he had an instinct for couture.
1907年,他拍摄的一张照片中显示着两个身着炽白色长裙的女士在朗香跑道上上马车的场景,这可以说是他生来就有服装设计天分的早期征兆。 yeeyan

IN ONE of the ramshackle tent cities that have sprouted in open spaces all across Port-au-Prince, Isa Longchamp, a dishevelled and dejected eight-year-old girl, starts to whimper.
太子港的空地上到处都是破烂不堪的帐篷,在其中一个帐篷里,8岁小女孩 Isa Longchamp蓬头垢面,一脸无助,她开始呜咽起来。 ecocn




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