

单词 Longa
释义 lon·ga AHDˈläŋgə COCA¹⁴⁹⁹⁴²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵⁰⁴⁵⁶
n.隆加在安哥拉;东经 18º36' 南纬 14º44'
Suitable growth area was divided into the suitable and less suitable area according to the need of precipitation concerning the early growth period of Curcuma longa L.
据黄丝郁金中前期生长对水分的需求,将适宜区划分为适宜与较适宜两个亚区。 chemyq

The supercritical fluid extraction technology applied to lecithin, gingko, safflower seed and herbal medicines such as curcuma longa and aucklandia were studied in this thesis.
本文主要研究了超临界流体对蛋黄卵磷脂、白果、红花籽和中草药姜黄、云木香等的萃取工艺。 dictall

They took to the water like pigs to mud after they were put out to pasture on the uninhabited island of Longa off the North West Scottish coast.
在被放养在苏格兰海岸西北部岛屿上无人照看的龙格牧场之后,这两只小家伙就像猪拱泥巴拔秧,硬是走水路游了回来。 ebigear

By the method of receptor combination, effects of the active constituents in Rhizoma Curcuma Longa and Radix Curcumae were studied.
本文采用受体结合方法,研究中药姜黄、郁金中的活性成分对胃泌素受体的影响。 cnki

Curcuma longa Linn is commonly used in traditional Chinese Medicine. Curcumin, the most important active ingredient of Curcuma longa Linn, has wide effects on the body system.
姜黄为传统常用中药,姜黄素是姜黄发挥药理作用最重要的活性成分,对机体各系统作用广泛。 chemyq

Curcumin is an active ingredient of Curcuma Longa. It is a polyphenolic compound extracted from the plant Curcuma Longa.
姜黄素是姜黄属中药的主要药理成分,是从姜黄属中药中提取的酚类物质。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

I thought it was a joke at first and that somebody was pulling my leg because people had been thinking it was quite a story that the pigs were going to Longa.

METHODS The model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia was established with Zea- Longa occluding suture in female Sprague-Dewley rats.
方法采用线栓法建立雌性大鼠永久性局灶性脑缺血损伤模型。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn

Objective To systematically evaluate the quality of Curcuma longa L. in Chinese market.
目的综合评价国产市售姜黄药材质量。 chemyq

Objective: To study the effect of different seminal rhizomes on the growth, quality and quantity of Curcuma longa root.
目的:了解不同规格种茎对黄丝郁金生长及产量和质量的影响,为规范化栽培技术提供依据。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Objective: To work out standardized cultivating measures for Curcuma longa according to the analysis of fresh rhizome simulation model.
目的:通过姜黄农艺措施优化数学模型研究,为制定规范化栽培技术提供依据。 cnki

Romulus and Remus might have remained in Alba Longa and lived at ease in their grandfather's palace;
罗穆卢斯和雷穆斯本可以留在阿尔巴·隆加,在他们外祖父的王宫里过悠闲的生活; chinafanyi.com

The paper made an antibacterial activity study of curcuma longa oils on some microorganism which pollute foodstuff and food.
就姜黄油对几种常见细菌、霉菌抑菌效果进行了研究。 dictall

The policy-deciding method of grey system was developed to study the multiple cropping system of Curcuma Longa.
根据灰色控制系统理论,首次应用灰色系统决策方法研究郁金的复种轮作方式。 cnki

The turmeric pigments and oleoresins were extracted from Curcumin Longa L. with mixed solvent of acetone and toluene.
利用丙酮—甲苯混合溶剂从姜黄中提取姜黄色素及姜黄油树脂。 cnki

This paper studied the extracting technique for curcumin from fresh curcuma longa L by single factors and orthogonal analysis experiments.
通过单因素实验和正交实验,研究从鲜姜黄中提取姜黄素的工艺条件。 cnki




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