

单词 lonely hearts
释义 lonely hearts 英ˈləʊnli:ˌhɑ:ts美ˈlonliˌhɑrts ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁶¹²⁷⁷
Dear Lonely Hearts: Do you spend hours at your computer, clicking through pages of single people on online dating sites?
亲爱的征婚朋友:你是否曾经在网上花几个小时流览征婚网站上一页一页的单身人士资讯? ebigear

For instance, outfits that act as matchmakers for lonely hearts dating clubs, singles bars, and so on often levy higher charges on men than on women.
比如为单身汉扮演组织者的机构约会俱乐部,单身酒吧等等常常要求男性支付比女性更高的价格。 ecocn

For now, IKEA and the lonely hearts are in an uneasy truce. The long- suffering Swedes are unwilling to force the Chinese seniors out.
现在,宜家公司与孤身人们仍然处于紧张的休战阶段。已经忍受很久的瑞典人们并不希望将这些中国老人驱逐出去。 yeeyan

For now, IKEA and the lonely hearts are in an uneasy truce.
现在,宜家公司与孤身人们仍然处于紧张的休战阶段。 yeeyan

Hundreds of elderly Shanghai residents make their way to IKEA twice a week for an informal lonely hearts club.
数百位老年上海住民每周两次到宜家来参加一个非正式的单身俱乐部。 yeeyan

Nick Guest's first sexual encounter is in the private park of a posh terrace with a man he's met through a lonely hearts ad.
尼克.盖斯特第一次性经历发生在一处漂亮排屋的私家园子里,在那里他遇见了通过报纸征友见面的一位艾滋病人。 yeeyan

Our appetite for a relationship fuels a billion- dollar industry of match-making services, lonely hearts ads and online dating.
我们对婚姻关系的渴望刺激了价值几十亿美元的产业——婚介、征婚广告以及网络约会。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some weeks see more than 1,000 lonely hearts, but thunderstorms are forecast today so it's a quiet afternoon.
有的周末,会有一千多个形单影只的人来这里寻找自己的另一半。但是今天天气预报说可能会有雷雨,所以下午十分安静。 yeeyan




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