

单词 Loire
释义 Loire 英lwɑː美lwɑrAHDlwär 高COCA⁴⁸⁷¹⁵BNC²⁴⁰⁰⁷

the longest French river; rises in the Massif Central and flows north and west to the Atlantic Oceanloire valley卢瓦尔河谷

用作名词There are some places likeLoireValley in Britain.在英国有一些和卢瓦尔河谷相像的地方。
In theLoire, where we find him a lot, he gives a clear red fresh and fruity wine.在卢瓦尔河,我们可以找到大量的品丽珠,它可以酿造出一种明净清新而且带有水果香气的红葡萄酒。 A river of central France flowing about354 km220 mi to the Loire River near Tours.
法国中部河流,流程约354公里220英里。在图尔附近流入卢瓦尔河。 poptool

La Loire, difficult river and natural frontier, temporarily holds back the invaders.
罗亚尔河这道天然屏障暂时挡住了侵略者。 blogbus

The Loire is the perfect cycling river, with heavy traffic on one bank and none on the other, and long stretches of towpath on a raised embankment giving river views denied to motorists.
卢瓦尔河是理想的骑车河流,河岸的一边交通繁忙,另外一边却没有交通。在高高的河岸上延伸的纤夫小道让开车人看不到河上的风景。 yeeyan

About15 years ago, I spent a summer in France's Loire Valley.
大约15年前,我在法国卢瓦尔谷地住了一个夏天。 yeeyan

But the Loire is so shallow, paddling is about as far as bathing goes.
但是卢瓦尔河很浅,划船大约只能像洗澡走那么远。 yeeyan

But this is a vineyard in Lebanon, not the Loire.
但这是一个位于黎巴嫩的葡萄园,而不是位于卢瓦尔河法国中部。 yeeyan

He is the son of one of those brigands of the Loire, but children are innocent of their fathers' crimes.
他是卢瓦尔省一个强盗的孩子。 对父辈的罪行孩子是无罪的。 ebigear

He was this same“ brigand of the Loire.”
他正是那卢瓦尔的匪徒。 ebigear

He was the “ brigand of the Loire.”
这就是那个卢瓦尔的匪徒了。 ebigear

In2006 some 1.1m foreigners visited the north, more than three times as many as went to the Loire valley.
在2006年,前来北方参观的外国游人高达110万,比前往卢瓦尔河谷游客数量的三倍还多。 ecocn

It was after his first visit, a quick, four-day trip during which we went to several of the Loire Valley chateaux that surround Tours.
那是他的第一次造访,一次四天的短期旅行,我们那时正在沿着卢瓦尔河谷城堡观光旅游。 yeeyan

Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci’s remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France’s Loire Valley.
文森特先生是获取许可在法国卢尔瓦河谷达芬奇墓中发掘遗骸的组员之一。 yeeyan

One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.
卢瓦尔河山谷是风景最美的地方之一,在那里可以游览法国国王和王后曾经居住过的城堡。 hjenglish

Pays de la Loire. Water is everywhere here between the sea and the Loire itself. Unjustly ignored by tourists from abroad, the region is getting.
卢瓦尔河。从大海到卢瓦尔河,水漫延在这里的任何地方。这个地区常常会被外国游客不公正的忽略。 yeeyan

The biggest stretch to be tackled comes at Tours, in the Loire Valley, where220 miles of track is to be built all the way to Bordeaux.
要处理的最浩大的延伸工程在卢瓦尔河谷的图尔,在这要建一条220英里的高铁线路通到波尔多。 yeeyan

This bottle was named for Le Mont, a17-acre parcel clinging to the slopes of the Loire river.
这种酒以 Le Mont命名,那是一片紧挨着罗亚尔河 Loire坡岸的方圆17英亩的土地。 iciba

Visit medieval castles in Normandy and the Loire Valley.
在诺曼底参观中世纪城堡和卢瓦尔河谷。 cgfriend

Water is everywhere here between the sea and the Loire itself.
从大海到卢瓦尔河,水漫延在这里的任何地方。 yeeyan

We left our chalet in the Loire Valley at Richelieu at 8.00 am on Sunday to attempt a photo shoot at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.
我们留在8.00我们在卢瓦尔河谷小木屋星期日上午试图在艾菲尔铁塔的照片拍摄和凯旋门在黎塞留。 dyqc

Yet it provides beautiful growing material, fed by the Loire and Loiret rivers.
但是在卢瓦尔和卢瓦尔河的哺育下,它变成了完美的养殖材料。 yeeyan




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