释义 |
lohas 基本例句 =Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability乐活族,又称乐活生活、洛哈思主义、乐活,是一个西方传来的新兴生活形态族群,意为以健康及自给自足的形态过生活 First put forward at the end of1990s, the LOHAS theory announced the emergence of what researchers considered a new social group. “乐活”这个词在上世纪90年代末初次出现,该理论宣告了一个研究者们公认的全新社会族群的诞生。 blog.sina.com.cn It has been better compared with first open for business. And now Lohas is lack of amusement facilities. 跟刚开业的时候比,现在好多了。现在主要就是缺娱乐设施。 newmediachina.net The attitude of LOHAS is optimistic, tolerant, healthy and ever- lasting. 态度是乐观的和包容的,是健康和永续的。 tianya ArtyBright Represents Lohas in COFCO group, title sponsored New Amusement Online program in Shanghai Entertainment Chanel, build COFCO brand together. 合众宝华代理中粮集团悦活果汁,冠名上海娱乐频道新娱乐在线栏目,共同打造中粮品牌。 artybright Engraving life with music, facing life with a positive“ Lohas” attitude. 用音乐雕刻生活,用“乐活”的生活态度积极地对待人生。 dict.chla.com.cn For LOHAS customers, life boils down to“ do good, look good, and feel good”. 对“乐活族”消费者来说,生活可以归纳为“做好事,看起来很健康,感觉也不错”。 blog.sina.com.cn Hotel advocate“ LOHAS world” philosophy, highlighting the theme of spring SPA. 酒店倡导“乐活天下”理念,突出温泉 SPA主题。 www.ssgg.com.cn I will choose Lohas for shopping, as I seldom go to downtown area, it is not convenient in traffic and goods there usually expensive. 谢冉冉:我会选择在这边逛街,因为我一般不怎么去市区,感觉交通也不方便,然后那边的东西也比较贵。 newmediachina.net LRCO does not produce cycling dress but also popularize sports about bicycle and the logos of LOHAS, pro- environment and everlasting. 路歌公司提供的不仅仅是骑行服饰,还在着力于自行车运动的推广,以及“乐活、环保、生生不息”的理念。 zmdhw.com The train to LOHAS Park is arriving. Please let passengers exit first. 前往康城列车即将到达,请先让车上的乘客下车。 bvehk.net Then co-operate with the guy on the other side of the phone who calls you a LOHAS. 如果是的话,那就回应电话那头称呼你为“乐活族”的人吧。 blog.sina.com.cn This train is the Shuttle train to Lohas Park, passengers to Hang Hau or Po Lam, please wait for the next train. 本班系前往康城的穿梭列车,前往坑口或宝林的乘客,请等候下一班列车。 bvehk.net Lohas, the concept of environmental protection and cultural philosophy, embodies the attitude towards origin, nature, health, exquisiteness. “乐活”作为一种新的环保理念和文化内涵,体现着贴近生活本源、自然、健康、精致的生活态度。 lehuo100 Lohas is a COFCO's brand with“ natural first” as the core of brand communication. Lohas provides juices, lactobacillus drinks, bee honeys and cereals. 悦活是中粮集团旗下品牌,以自然至上为品牌传播核心,旗下产品涉及果汁、乳酸菌饮料、蜂蜜、麦片等。 tencentmind Product positioning: Lohas, Convenience, Originality and Technology. 产品定位:乐活、便捷、创意、科技。 ttpyw |